New Questions Surface About President Biden's Health Following Las Vegas Incident

 October 5, 2024

President Joe Biden's sudden cancellation of a scheduled speech in Las Vegas has sparked concerns and speculation about his health.

According to the Washington Examiner, complications due to a positive COVID-19 test marred President Biden’s planned engagement at the UnidosUS Annual Conference in Las Vegas, prompting a swift and secretive local police response

Originally slated to speak, President Biden withdrew from the event after exhibiting health concerns. White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre briefly informed the public that the president was experiencing "mild symptoms."

Police Radio Communications Reveal Intense Preparations

Contrary to the initial mild public statements, police scanners told a different story. Recorded conversations obtained by Judicial Watch revealed that the local police were preparing for a critical situation, including securing routes to nearby hospitals.

The situation's urgency was evident through the police's use of concerning codes and implementing a citywide lockdown in select areas.

A specific communication confirmed the elevated alert; "For everybody on the radio, right now POTUS is 421 [sick or injured]... We're just trying to figure out what’s going on and we’re going to go from there."

Rapid Response and Tactical Movements

Police units were urgently directed to move to strategic locations near medical facilities. "Can you have all the units that are assigned to the motorcade come down to Desert Inn and Eastern, DI, and Eastern? And, I need them here ASAP... Yes, please," an officer requested over the radio, seeking immediate assistance.

According to Judicial Watch, officers discussed over the radio rushing to secure the perimeter of University Medical Center Hospital and rendezvous outside Valley Hospital's emergency room entrance in anticipation of President Biden's arrival.

Presidential Treatment and Immediate Logistic Changes

The intensity of the police movements indicated preparations beyond simple precautionary measures, possibly reflecting the seriousness of President Biden's condition at the time.

As described by Judicial Watch, in one instance during the crisis, officers responded with lights and sirens, instructed to start blocking intersections and closing roads to traffic. This suggested a potential imminent transfer of President Biden requiring immediate and clear routes.

Despite the commotion and security operations indicating severe concerns, the president safely boarded Air Force One for Delaware, where he would continue his isolation and recovery, unmasked but under close medical supervision. His visibility during boarding raised questions about the level of transparency regarding his health status.

Speculation and Scrutiny Over Health Disclosure

This event has left the public and press pondering the true nature of the president's health during his Las Vegas visit.

The sequence of events, from President Biden's positive COVID test to his departure and the police’s high-alert activities, created a narrative gap filled by concerns and speculations about the robustness of the president’s health disclosures.

The full scope of President Biden's health issues during his Las Vegas trip remains partially veiled by urgent police activities and sparse official comments, leaving room for continued inquiry and discussion as more details might eventually surface.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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