Voters Suspicious Toward Intelligence Agencies: Rasmussen

 March 7, 2024

Recent discussions have raised serious concerns among the public regarding the integrity of the upcoming presidential election.

There are claims that past efforts to undermine Donald Trump's presidency might signal similar attempts to sway the 2024 election.

These claims involve accusations that former President Barack Obama and his associates carried out surveillance on Donald Trump and his campaign in 2016, which reportedly persisted into Trump's presidency. Notable individuals and intelligence agencies, such as the FBI and CIA, have been implicated, as well as international intelligence collaboration through the Five Eyes alliance.

The situation is made more complex by allegations that, despite the findings of various courts and official inquiries, which proponents argue have confirmed these surveillance activities, no substantial legal measures have been taken against those implicated. This has led to debates on the extent of accountability within the U.S. intelligence and justice systems.

Public Trust in Election Processes Declines

A key element in these debates is the role of mainstream media, which stands accused of spreading misinformation about the alleged scandal and later ignoring information that contradicted the narrative of collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign. This uneven reporting has contributed to a growing distrust in traditional news outlets.

The impact of such distrust on the electorate's confidence is significant. A recent Rasmussen poll highlights this concern, showing that 52% of likely U.S. voters doubt the impartiality of intelligence agencies regarding the outcome of the 2024 presidential election.

Additionally, the poll suggests that a substantial portion of the public—49% of voters—believe these agencies are politically motivated, further increasing skepticism about the fairness of electoral processes.

Rasmussen Poll Emphasizes Deep State Worries

The poll reveals that 52% of likely U.S. voters think it's probable that U.S. intelligence agencies want to influence the 2024 presidential election's outcome, including 31% who see this as very likely.

However, opinions vary, with 38% of those surveyed rejecting the idea that intelligence agencies seek to control the electoral outcome. This divide highlights the ongoing uncertainty and apprehension about the sanctity of the democratic process.

The implications of these beliefs are significant, affecting more than just the political sphere as they relate to the fundamental trust that underpins democratic governance. While 38% do not suspect intelligence agencies of trying to manipulate the election, the prevailing concern reflects a broader crisis of confidence.


The narrative that has developed—from allegations of espionage to worries about the integrity of the forthcoming election—depicts a nuanced picture of the U.S. political scene. It reveals a deep unease among voters regarding the fairness and transparency of the democratic process. The assertions, results of official actions, the media's role, and public sentiment as shown in the Rasmussen poll, all contribute to the ongoing conversation about election integrity and the credibility of the institutions meant to protect democracy.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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