Vivek Ramaswamy Reveals Potential Trump VP Pick

 December 31, 2023

In a striking statement, Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has expressed admiration for Elon Musk, hinting at a non-traditional choice for his potential vice president.

Ramaswamy, while speaking in Corydon, Iowa, indicated his preference for an executive outsider like Musk, though acknowledging Musk's ineligibility due to his non-U.S. birth.

Ramaswamy, during his campaign stop, emphasized the need for fresh perspectives in Washington. He voiced his preference for individuals from the executive sector, outside the traditional political circle.

Ramaswamy's Quest for an Unconventional Cabinet

His comments reflect a broader theme in his campaign: a departure from conventional politics. Ramaswamy has often highlighted his desire to surround himself with individuals not ingrained in the Washington, D.C. milieu.

Ramaswamy's admiration for Musk isn't new. He revealed Musk's attendance at one of his fundraisers in Northern California in late October.

This connection underscores a mutual understanding of key issues, Fox News reported.

Ramaswamy and Musk share a strong stance on free speech, seeing themselves as "absolutists" in this regard. This common ground between the two highlights a critical aspect of Ramaswamy's political philosophy.

Ramaswamy's Unique Approach to Governance

His approach to governance, influenced by his observation of the Trump administration, leans heavily on bringing in outsiders. Ramaswamy believes this strategy can disrupt the status quo in Washington, D.C.

Ramaswamy has expressed his disdain for Washington's norms and his desire to fundamentally alter its workings. His rhetoric suggests a radical shift from traditional governance.

Speaking about his cabinet choices, Ramaswamy emphasized the importance of looking beyond the usual pool of Washington politicians. He believes the U.S. has a vast reserve of capable individuals outside the political sphere.

Musk is a Symbol of Ramaswamy's Ideals

While Musk's ineligibility for vice president is clear, his mention by Ramaswamy symbolizes the latter's vision for his administration. Musk represents the kind of innovative and unorthodox thinking Ramaswamy wants to bring to the White House.

Ramaswamy's comments in Corydon were not just about Musk, but about a broader philosophy. He advocates for a government led by individuals who are not part of the Washington establishment.

In Ramaswamy's view, the Trump administration provided valuable lessons on the effectiveness of non-traditional approaches in governance. He sees value in having advisors who are not bound by Washington's conventional wisdom.

Reimagining the American Political Landscape

Ramaswamy's campaign is about more than just policy proposals; it's a call to reimagine the American political landscape.

He seeks to challenge the status quo and introduce new perspectives to the highest levels of government.

His words reflect a growing sentiment among some voters. There's a desire for leaders who are not entrenched in the traditional political system, and who can bring fresh ideas and approaches to the table.


Ramaswamy's campaign in Iowa has been a platform for expressing these ideas. His choice of words and references to figures like Musk indicate a distinct approach to politics and governance.

  • Vivek Ramaswamy expressed a preference for an executive outsider like Elon Musk as his ideal vice president, despite Musk's ineligibility.
  • Ramaswamy's campaign emphasizes the need for fresh perspectives and individuals from outside the traditional political circle.
  • Musk's attendance at a Ramaswamy fundraiser highlights their mutual understanding of key issues like free speech.
  • Ramaswamy's approach to governance is influenced by lessons from the Trump administration, favoring non-traditional advisors.
  • The campaign is a call to reimagine American politics, challenging the status quo with new ideas and perspectives.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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