Vice President Kamala Harris Faces Criticism Over High Staff Turnover

 July 31, 2024

Former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy has criticized Vice President Kamala Harris for her high staff turnover rate and poor treatment of her staff.

According to Fox News, McCarthy made these comments during an appearance on "Life, Liberty & Levin," where he discussed Harris' documented struggles with retaining staff.

McCarthy claimed that Harris' issues with staff retention are well-known both in California and Washington. He emphasized that Harris' inability to keep staff, even during her vice presidency, is indicative of potential future challenges. According to McCarthy, "nobody lasts very long" working for Harris, pointing out that her treatment of staff is a significant concern.

Detailed Reports From

A report from, a government watchdog organization, detailed a 91.5% staff turnover rate within the Office of the Vice President. The report, citing payroll records, highlighted that only four of the initial 47 staffers employed during Harris' first year as vice president in 2021 are still working for her as of March 31, 2024. In the year leading up to that date, 24 of Harris' staffers quit.

The report also compared Harris' staff turnover rate to those of President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump. Harris' nearly 92% turnover rate surpasses Biden’s rate of 77% and Trump’s rate of 72% during the first to fourth years of their terms. Currently, Harris has 50 staff members, whereas 127 of Biden’s initial 560 White House staff are still with him.

Former Aides Speak Out About Work Culture

Speaking to The Hill in 2022, a former Harris aide mentioned that staff retention has always been a problem for Harris. The aide noted that "you have to have your people around you," emphasizing the importance of maintaining good relationships with staff. Another former staffer added that "politics is about relationships and the relationships with the people around you," indicating that there is significant room for improvement in Harris' office culture.

In an op-ed for The Union newspaper, the father of a former intern for Harris described his son's negative experiences working for her. Terry McAteer wrote about his son Gregory’s time in Harris' office, highlighting instances of Harris’ use of profanity and the fear she instilled in her staff.

Harsh Work Environment Described By Former Intern's Father

McAteer recounted that as Attorney General, Harris instructed her entire staff to stand every morning as she entered the office and say, "Good Morning General." He also mentioned that Gregory was instructed to never address or look Harris in the eye, a privilege reserved only for senior staff members.

Senator Harris vocally throws around ‘F-bombs’ and other profanity constantly in her berating of staff and others. The staff is in complete fear of her and she uses her profanity throughout the day.

McCarthy also recalled his interactions, or lack thereof, with Harris when she was elected to the U.S. Senate. He stated that despite being the Majority Leader, Harris never agreed to meet with him. According to McCarthy, even Democrats within the California delegation did not care for her because she would not meet with them either.

Harris' Campaign Response And Context

The recent scrutiny of Harris' office culture and staff turnover comes as she ramps up her efforts for a potential White House bid. Amid these reports, Harris' campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Fox News Digital. The allegations and reports about her office culture are likely to be a focal point in the coming months as she prepares for her campaign.

The comparison of turnover rates between Harris, Biden, and Trump provides context to the extent of the issue. While high turnover rates are not uncommon in political offices, Harris' rate is notably higher. This could raise questions about her management style and its implications for her potential presidency.


Kevin McCarthy's criticism of Vice President Kamala Harris highlights significant issues with staff retention and office culture. Reports from have detailed a 91.5% turnover rate in Harris' office, contrasting sharply with the rates of President Biden and former President Trump. Former aides and the father of a former intern have described a challenging and, at times, hostile work environment.

About Aileen Barro

With years of experience at the forefront of political commentary, Robert Cunningham brings a blend of sharp wit and deep insight to his analysis of American principles at the Capitalism Institute.

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