US Navy Rescues Injured Sailor from Missile-Struck Cargo Ship

 June 16, 2024

The Gulf of Aden became a battleground when a cargo ship, the M/V Verbena, was struck by missiles.

According to Daily Wire, During an Iranian-backed Houthi attack, the United States Navy conducted a rescue mission for a critically injured sailor from the damaged M/V Verbena.

The civilian mariner sustained severe injuries following a targeted missile strike by Houthi rebels, prompting immediate medical action. The injured mariner was swiftly transported from the Palauan-flagged, Ukrainian-owned, and Polish-operated vessel to receive emergency care. This evacuation was facilitated by an aircraft deployed from the USS Philippine Sea, a guided-missile cruiser.

Escalation in the Gulf of Aden Threatens Global Shipping

The incident occurred on June 13, 2024, as the M/V Verbena was navigating through one of the world's busiest maritime lanes. The attackers launched two anti-ship cruise missiles, causing significant structural damage and igniting fires on the ship. Despite the crew’s efforts to manage the blaze, extensive damage had been inflicted.

This assault is not an isolated event but part of a series of regional attacks attributed to Iranian influence. Over the last 48 hours, similar military actions were echoed by Hezbollah in northern Israel, launching more than 300 rockets.

According to U.S. Central Command, this pattern of hostility has broader implications for regional security. “The crew continues to fight the fire. One civilian mariner was severely injured during the attack,” stated CENTCOM, emphasizing the gravity of the situation and the immediate danger faced by non-combatants.

Navy Response Highlights International Military Collaboration

The timely evacuation exemplifies effective coordination among international military forces. “Aircraft from USS Philippine Sea (CG 58) medically evacuated the injured mariner to a partner force ship nearby for medical attention,” CENTCOM reported.

This action underscores a unified front against unchecked aggression impacting civilians and commercial activities. The U.S. Central Command has vocally condemned these violent disruptions caused by the Houthis, framing them as a direct challenge to stability in the vital shipping corridors of the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.

As provided by the U.S. Central Command, "The continued reckless behavior by the Iranian-backed Houthis threatens regional stability and endangers the lives of mariners across the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden. The Houthis claim to be acting on behalf of Palestinians in Gaza and yet they are targeting and threatening the lives of third-country nationals who have nothing to do with the conflict in Gaza."


The attack on the M/V Verbena is a significant threat to the free transit in the region, complicating the delivery of crucial humanitarian aid. “The ongoing threat to the ability to safely transit the region caused by the Houthis makes it harder to deliver critical assistance to the people of Yemen as well as to Gaza,” highlighted CENTCOM.

Furthermore, CENTCOM reiterated their ongoing strategic objectives: “U.S. CENTCOM will continue to act with partners to hold the Houthis accountable and degrade their military capabilities.” This statement encapsulates the broader military and diplomatic aspirations of mitigating further risks and restoring stability.

The attack on the M/V Verbana is emblematic of a larger geopolitical conflict affecting global maritime routes. Efforts continue to subdue the escalating violence and ensure safe passage for international shipping, underscoring the vital role of naval forces in maintaining international norms and securing economic lifelines.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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