Turley: Cohen May Have Perjured Himself on the Stand Again

 May 15, 2024

This week, former Trump fixer Michael Cohen took the stand as a witness for the prosecution.

While leftist media gushed over his composure on the stand, legal analyst Jonathan Turley noticed something that could land Cohen in even more trouble.

Talking Points…
- Cohen testimony
- Turley says Cohen committed perjury
- Analysis

Michael Cohen Testifies in Trump Hush-money Case

I checked virtually every mainstream media website after Cohen’s testimony, and I was shocked at how they gushed over a man who is a habitual liar and, for lack of a better word, a dirtball. Cohen is one of those guys who loves to act tough in the business world because of who he has behind him… what I like to call keyboard warriors.

During his testimony, Cohen tried to come off as both humble and respectful, but that did not change the fact that he appeared to be inventing his own truth as he was telling his story.

The aspect of Cohen’s testimony that was rather peculiar was how Cohen described his reasons for taping his conversations with Donald Trump related to the catch-and-kill associated with David Pecker, a publisher who purchased the Karen McDougal story. I never believed Cohen’s version of the story and always believed that this was all about having leverage over Trump, not Pecker, as Cohen told the court.

Turley Says Cohen May Have Committed Perjury

When Fox News legal analyst Jonathan Turley reviewed the testimony, he came up with the same conclusion that I did, but he took it a step further. He believes that Cohen actually perjured himself in the case. Turley stated:

“The one thing about yesterday that was striking, is I thought that Michael Cohen may have committed perjury again.

“In my view, one of his answers just made no sense at all. He said that he taped his client, former President Trump, in order to keep David Pecker, the former publisher of the ‘National Enquirer’ honest and make sure he paid. First of all, it made no sense at all why he would do that, Pecker had been in communication with Trump himself, but it didn’t make any sense at all.”

Turley continued:

“But Cohen seemed to try to find a reason for shattering every professional ethical standard in surreptitiously taping his client.

“And so it was really amazing to hear that answer, because I don’t think anyone, certainly I didn’t, believe it, that he was taping that to somehow benefit or affect David Pecker.”

Turley continued on, actually putting the onus of the actions in this case on Cohen, not Trump, suggesting that Cohen was making the suggestions to Trump on how all this should be handed. He explained:

“You know what it sounds like with a lot of these conversations? It sounds a lot like a client being told by a lawyer what they are going to do.

“The lawyer is testifying against the client saying, ‘you should send him to jail for doing what I told him to do.’”


As I have stated before, I respect Turley’s opinion more than any other legal analyst because the man never takes sides. He is a straight shooter who refuses to cover for anyone, so I am going to take what he is saying here at face value. The problem for the prosecution is that they need the jury to believe Cohen because there is no other evidence to support Cohen’s version other than his word. And when you consider that Cohen has previously admitted to lying under oath, it is a stretch to believe that all 12 jurors will take everything Cohen is saying as fact.

About Jerry McConway

Jerry McConway is an independent political author and investigator who lives in Dallas, Texas. He has spent years building a strong following of readers who know that he will write what he believes is true, even if it means criticizing politicians his followers support. His readers have come to expect his integrity.
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