Trump's White Working Class Support Causes Concern for Democrats in Upcoming Election

 September 23, 2024

Behind closed doors, Democratic officials are expressing apprehension about their ability to secure a crucial voting demographic in the upcoming presidential election.

Fox News reported that Democrats are privately worried about Vice President Kamala Harris' appeal to White, working-class voters, a key group in determining the outcome of the November election.

This concern stems from the potential for former President Donald Trump to repeat his 2016 success in breaking through the traditionally Democratic "Blue Wall" states.

The anxiety among Democrats is particularly focused on union members, with some officials fearing that Trump may garner unexpectedly high support from this group, especially among men. The Teamsters labor union's recent decision to withhold an endorsement from Harris, following internal polling showing higher favorability for Trump, has further fueled these concerns.

Union Support And Electoral Implications

Jimmy Williams, president of the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades, acknowledged the challenge facing Democrats. He stated that Trump has a solid base of working-class supporters who have embraced his message, although he noted that this support is not immovable.

One anonymous pro-Harris union official drew parallels to the 2016 election, describing the current situation as a "red flag" reminiscent of Hillary Clinton's underperformance among union households. The official expressed concern that similar issues might be lurking beneath the surface of current polling data.

These worries are compounded by the fact that White, working-class voters make up a significant portion of the electorate in crucial Rust Belt states. Democrats are emphasizing the need for Harris to work harder to win over this demographic to secure victory in November.

Strategies And Criticisms From Within

Some Democrats are calling for Harris to take a more aggressive approach in her campaign strategy. Swing-state Democrats, in particular, argue that the Vice President is not sufficiently criticizing Trump on issues that matter to older voters, such as Social Security and Medicare. An anonymous Pennsylvania Democratic elected official expressed concern about Harris' connection with senior voters:

I'm worried about her with [seniors]… most of all, I just think they don't know her. She should be coming in on Medicare and Social Security like non-f---ing stop.

Another Democratic official from Pennsylvania echoed this sentiment, emphasizing the need for more frequent discussion of these issues by the campaign's leadership.

Polling Data And Electoral Landscape

Recent polling data has added to the Democrats' concerns. A New York Times poll shows Trump leading Harris in Arizona by five points (50%-45%) and holding a similar lead in Georgia (49%-45%). The race appears closer in North Carolina, with Trump at 49% and Harris at 47%.

However, it's worth noting that a Fox News national poll found Harris leading Trump by two points in a 50%-48% match-up. This discrepancy between national and state-level polling underscores the complexity of the electoral landscape and the importance of key battleground states.

The Teamsters' decision to withhold their endorsement from Harris is seen as particularly significant. Internal polling within the union showed higher favorability for Trump among respondents, raising alarms for Democratic strategists who recognize the importance of union support in crucial swing states.


Democrats' private concerns about Vice President Kamala Harris' appeal to White, working-class voters highlight the challenges facing their campaign in the upcoming presidential election. The potential for former President Donald Trump to repeat his 2016 success in key battleground states has prompted calls for a more aggressive campaign strategy focused on issues important to older and working-class voters.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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