Trump to Jail Protestors If Reelected, Warns Jane Fonda

 September 7, 2024

At a recent campaign event for American voters residing overseas, actress and activist Jane Fonda expressed serious concerns about the potential repercussions of Donald Trump's re-election on democratic processes and civil liberties.

According to Fox News, in her address, Fonda warned that Trump might imprison those who protest against his policy decisions.

Democratic Leaders Rally Support Abroad

Jane Fonda was speaking at a 'Democrats Abroad' event designed to engage and mobilize the approximately three million U.S. citizens who vote from overseas, highlighting the crucial stakes of the upcoming presidential election.

The virtual event featured prominent attendees such as former Speaker Nancy Pelosi, former Attorney General Eric Holder, and other notable figures from Hollywood, all advocating for the Harris-Walz ticket.

During her fiery speech, Fonda referred to the former president by his colorfully derogative nickname "Orange Man" and cautioned against the dangers of re-electing him. She emphasized the potential threat to democratic values and the freedom to protest, which are core to American identity.

Concerns Over Election Integrity

Holder, involved in the selection process for Democratic vice-presidential candidate Tim Walz, echoed significant concerns regarding Trump's campaign strategies. He criticized these as constituting voter suppression and intimidation tactics. Holder starkly portrayed the rhetoric used by Trump as having a chilling effect on the democratic process.

Nancy Pelosi praised her leadership role during the significant breach at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, suggesting that Republican leadership during such a crisis might have yielded a very different outcome for American democracy. Both her and Fonda's speeches stressed the elections as pivotal to the protection of democratic values.

Fonda detailed her fears regarding Trump's approach to governance and democracy:

"One of the main reasons … this particular election in this coming November is so utterly critical, is because one of the two top tickets – will take us in the wrong direction. … It's going to be ‘Drill, baby, drill.’ … The Orange Man has also let us know that he's not crazy about democracy."

Fonda Calls Trump Anti-Democratic

Democrats Abroad plays a crucial role in ensuring that U.S. citizens abroad are registered to vote and well-informed about policy issues and candidates.

This function is critical given that these overseas ballots are mandated by federal law to be dispatched 45 days before the election day, with the current electoral cycle's overseas ballots scheduled to be sent by September 21.

During the event, other Hollywood celebrities also voiced their opposition to Trump, underscoring a broad consensus among the speakers on the perceived threats posed by Trump's possible re-election.  The emphasis on international voter turnout underlines the global aspect of American electoral politics, particularly the influential role that expatriates play.

In summary, Jane Fonda's stark warnings about the consequences of Trump's potential re-election resonate with concerns expressed by other Democratic leaders regarding the undermining of democratic practices and civil rights.

These expressions are an urgent call to American voters abroad to participate actively in the forthcoming elections to safeguard democratic values and processes. The event highlights a strategic push by the Democrats to solidify international support amidst challenging political times.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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