Trump Secures Silicon Valley Support, Criticizes Biden's Intellect At SF Fundraiser

 June 7, 2024

Former President Donald Trump recently garnered significant financial and intellectual support during a fundraiser in San Francisco.

Hosted by venture capitalist David Sacks, this event saw prominent Silicon Valley leaders rally behind Trump, contributing $12 million to his campaign, Fox News reported.

Trump Appeals to Tech Heavyweights in California

At the high-profile gathering, which took place at David Sacks' residence in the prestigious Pacific Heights neighborhood, enthusiastic contributors shelled out between $50,000 to $500,000 for access. This event emphasized Trump's successful pivot to include the technologically savvy elite in what has been traditionally viewed as a populist base.

The former president highlighted the intellectual disparity he perceives between himself and Joe Biden, turning it into a focal point of his interaction with the tech leaders. Donald Trump declared, "These brilliant tech leaders prefer dealing with someone who matches their high intellectual caliber, a stark contrast to Biden's capabilities."

During the event, David Sacks, who also co-hosts the "All In" podcast with Chamath Palihapitiya, officially endorsed Trump. Sacks' endorsement was rooted in what he described as misdirection under the current administration, and he expressed confidence in Trump's ability to steer the country back toward prosperity, security, and stability.

Trump's Remarks on San Francisco Response

Adding to the fundraiser's success, Trump spoke about his recent experiences in San Francisco, a city known for its strong liberal leanings. He shared that the response from the public was unexpectedly positive during his drive-through with the Secret Service, noting that people were expressing support and love, which he found encouraging.

Donald Trump said, "When the Secret Service took us through the middle of San Francisco, there were thousands of people waving. We're talking the heart of San Francisco—people were screaming on the streets with love."

In criticism directed at President Joe Biden, Trump didn't hold back, making pointed remarks about Biden's intelligence. He stated, "They don't like dealing with an IQ that's like, you know, 1/3 of theirs because it is a difficult thing when someone has an IQ of 180, it is difficult to deal with a man with an IQ of 70—or maybe lower."

Diverse Support Beyond Traditional Bases

This event is not an isolated instance of Trump seeking support beyond traditional Republican parameters. On May 23, 2024, he held a rally in the South Bronx, further showcasing his efforts to expand his appeal across diverse voter segments.

Additionally, his recent attendance at UFC 302 in Newark underscores his continued engagement with varied audiences.

Trump explained the rationale behind Silicon Valley's support, attributing it to less regulatory interference during his administration, which he claims allowed tech companies unprecedented growth and success. "They had less regulation, and they are a group that cannot stand regulation because it hinders their growth path," Trump mentioned at the event.

David Sacks provided a statement during the fundraiser, underscoring the strategic decision behind his endorsement. He stated, "My reasons rest on four main issues that I think are vital to American prosperity, security, and stability—issues where the Biden administration has veered badly off course and where I believe President Trump can lead us back."

In culmination, the San Francisco fundraiser not only highlighted Donald Trump's ongoing influence within the Republican party but also signified a broader acceptance from sectors typically perceived as liberal strongholds. The former president departs from this event with reinforced financial backing and a strengthened narrative that contrasts significantly with the current administration's.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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