Trump Lawyer Fights Back After Conviction And Vow To Appeal

 February 21, 2024

A seismic shift ripples through New York’s business landscape as former President Donald Trump faces a monumental court ruling.

A New York judge has mandated a hefty $355 million payment from Donald Trump for alleged fraudulent activities and has prohibited him from engaging in business ventures across the state for three years.

Alina Habba, representing Trump, articulated a fervent intention to contest the judgment handed down by Judge Arthur Engoron. Habba described the ruling as lacking "common sense," pointing to what she perceives as an amalgamation of political and judicial bias against her client.

The case has drawn national attention and centers around accusations leveled at the Trump Organization for engaging in fraudulent operations. Yet, according to Habba, the lawsuit’s foundation is shaky, with claims of loan defaults, monetary losses, or identifiable victims being notably absent.

The Controversial Thrust of the Lawsuit

In her defense, Habba has criticized the lawsuit for basing its allegations on dubious property valuations, including high-profile locations such as Trump Tower and Mar-a-Lago.

She further scrutinized the use of consumer fraud statutes in this context, questioning both the legality of this approach and the expertise of those propelling the lawsuit's claims.

In contrast to the assertions of wrongdoing, banks implicated in the case have conveyed positive testimonies about their associations with the Trump Organization. This detail underscores a significant disconnect between the lawsuit's narrative and the experiences of financial institutions directly involved with Trump's business dealings.

Habba's argument further explores this dichotomy, pointing to a lack of concrete evidence of financial misconduct or harm inflicted upon the parties involved.

A Battle Over Judicial Perception

Habba's strategy includes casting doubt on Judge Engoron's previous judicial performance. She referenced a prior decision of his that faced reversal, wielding this fact as a critique of his reliability and impartiality. This line of defense hints at a broader critique of judicial accountability and consistency within New York's legal system.

If you look at Judge Engoron he made a terrible decision that was reversed, hurting landlords and tenants in the state of New York, and he’s known for that. He has said on the record, that even if a jury says something and gets it wrong, he won’t agree with it, and he can use his own powers as a judge to completely disregard what a jury says. This is who we are dealing with. So if you want me to make sense of a nonsensical order, I just would assure you that number one, I’m not going to do it today. I’m going to do it thoughtfully, methodically, and it’s going to be on the appeal. And you know, you can read it and weep, but that’s where we are at right now.

The lawsuit and the subsequent ruling have sparked a discussion that extends beyond the specifics of the Trump Organization's business practices. It touches upon the larger themes of corporate accountability, the interpretation of fraud within the legal system, and the role of political bias in judicial decisions.

The banks' favorable description of their dealings with the Trump Organization offers a counter-narrative to the fraud allegations. This perspective challenges the notion of the Trump Organization as a deceitful entity, presenting a more complex picture of the situation.

The Future of Trump's Business Endeavors

Even as this legal battle unfolds, its implications for Donald Trump's ability to conduct business in New York loom large. The prohibition against business activities could significantly alter Trump's operational landscape, affecting the former president and his myriad business interests across the state.

In response, Habba emphasized a determined and thoughtful approach to the appeal process. Her commitment to overturning the ruling reflects not just a legal strategy but a fundamental disagreement with the court’s assessment of fraud within the Trump Organization.

This ruling and the ensuing legal challenges underscore a contentious debate over the intersection of business practices, legal standards for fraud, and the influence of political and judicial perspectives on high-profile lawsuits.

As Habba prepares for the appeal, the broader implications of this case for corporate conduct and judicial oversight in New York remain a focal point of discussion. The resolution of this legal battle may set a precedent, influencing how similar cases are approached and adjudicated in the future.


Donald Trump's legal troubles in New York present a compelling narrative of alleged fraud, judicial rulings, and the intricate dance of legal appeals. The ramifications of this case extend beyond the immediate financial and operational impacts on Trump's enterprises, touching upon broader questions of legal standards, political influence in judicial proceedings, and the very interpretation of corporate behavior within the framework of American law.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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