Trump Considering TikTok Invester Jeff Yass For White House Position

 March 16, 2024

The prospect of a wealthy hedge fund manager possibly stepping into the role of Treasury Secretary is stirring discussions. Former President Donald Trump is rumored to be considering Jeff Yass, a significant figure in the financial sphere and a substantial GOP donor, for the Treasury Secretary post if he secures a victory in the forthcoming presidential race.

According to NY Post, this potential appointment is amidst conversations on the U.S.’s relationship with China, particularly about tech giant ByteDance, the parent company of TikTok, which houses a considerable portion of Yass's investments.

Jeff Yass is not just any investor; his firm, Susquehanna International Group, boasts a 15% stake in ByteDance, with Yass himself holding a personal 7% stake valued at approximately $21 billion. This partnership underscores the intertwined nature of U.S.-China relations and the complexity of decisions surrounding technology and privacy. Furthermore, Yass’s opposition, alongside Trump’s, to legislative attempts at compelling ByteDance to divest TikTok reflects a broader debate on technology, competition, and national security.

It's noteworthy that Bloomberg News first brought Trump's interest in Yass to the public’s attention. Amidst speculation about potential candidates for the Treasury's helm—names like Robert Lighthizer, Scott Bessent, and John Paulson popping up—Trump's camp has been quick to downplay these discussions. An official statement emphasized that Trump’s current focus remains squarely on the election, not on Cabinet appointments.

Legislation Sparks Controversy in Tech and Political Circles

Amidst this political and financial web, the House’s recent passing of the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act casts a new light on the matter. This legislation, which seeks to force the sale of TikTok due to concerns over data privacy and national security, reflects growing apprehensions about foreign influence via technology platforms. Yet, Yass has not shied away from the political arena, actively lobbying Republican members of the House of Representatives against the act.

Donald Trump's recent commentary adds another layer to the discourse. After initially supporting actions against TikTok during his presidency, Trump has taken a new stance, critiquing the legislation for potentially bolstering Facebook’s market dominance. His argument centers on competition and fairness in the social media landscape.

“If you get rid of TikTok, Facebook and Zuckerschmuck will double their business. I don’t want Facebook, who cheated in the last Election, to do better. They are a true Enemy of the People!”

This quote from Trump underscores the dynamic and often contradictory perspectives on technology and governance, highlighting the multifaceted considerations at play in such debates.


The narrative surrounding TikTok and its parent company ByteDance has evolved significantly over time. Trump’s original move to force a sale of TikTok in August 2020, subsequently countered by President Joe Biden’s revocation, marks a rollercoaster of policy shifts reflecting changing views on tech governance. Similarly, ByteDance’s consistent denial of sharing user data with the Chinese government points to the underlying tensions and mistrust between global powers in the digital age.

Trump’s pivot from advocating for TikTok’s divestment to opposing it, captured in his Truth Social post last week, reflects broader debates on competition, privacy, and the role of social media in society. These discussions, framed against the backdrop of geopolitical tensions and domestic politics, offer a glimpse into the complex interplay of interests shaping policy and public discourse.

The potential consideration of Jeff Yass for Treasury Secretary by Donald Trump intertwines financial, political, and diplomatic threads in a narrative that extends beyond mere Cabinet appointments.

Amidst legislative moves, shifting stances on technology governance, and debates on data privacy, the story encapsulates the multifaceted challenges and considerations facing modern governance. As discussions continue, the implications for U.S.-China relations, technology policy, and political strategy remain key points of interest.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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