Trump and Johnson Advocate for Election Integrity Legislation

 April 13, 2024

In a significant political move, former President Donald Trump alongside Speaker of the House Mike Johnson stepped forward in Palm Beach, Florida, to champion a new bill aimed at reforming election integrity.

According to Breitbart, during a joint press conference at Mar-a-Lago, they announced their plan to introduce legislation demanding proof of citizenship for federal election voting, linking this measure directly to concerns over border security.

With the picturesque backdrop of Mar-a-Lago, Trump and Johnson voiced their concerns on topics touching on immigration, crime, and the sanctity of elections in America. Trump detailed his perspective on the imperatives of securing the nation's borders, suggesting that unchecked immigration could lead to increased crime rates and electoral interference.

According to Johnson, the mood across the nation mirrors the concerns they raised. Through his travels in 23 states, Johnson identified border security and election integrity as top priorities among the American people. He criticized President Biden’s administration for actions that, in his view, have led to a less secure border.

Challenging Figures Highlight Border Concerns

Recent data referenced by Johnson provides a stark picture, with reports from the House Committee on Homeland Security citing nine million border crossings and over 1.8 million "getaways" at the U.S.-Mexico border as of February 2024. Additionally, the U.S. Census Bureau's 2023 report allegedly counts nearly 17 million undocumented immigrants within the country.

Trump elaborated on his concerns, stating, "We probably have fifteen million people, and they come from places you don’t want to know about and they’re going to be big problems, and it’s getting worse. It’s migrant crime... And, I’m just demanding, I just demand, as a citizen I demand, the border has to be closed. Our country cannot take it, no country can take it. It’s not sustainable by any country."

Johnson's views on election integrity are anchored in the belief that secure borders are essential for valid elections. He pointed to problems with the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, which he believes has made it too easy for non-citizens to participate in elections without adequate verification.

Proposed Legislation Targets Proof of Citizenship

The proposed bill, as detailed by the House Republicans, aims to substantially tighten the process of voter registration by enforcing proof of citizenship, stating intentions to amend current practices that allow states little power in verifying the citizenship status of voters. Furthermore, it would compel states to remove non-citizens from voter rolls, introducing a more stringent verification process.

Johnson conveyed the importance of this legislation, emphasizing that without solid election integrity, the foundation of the republic is at risk. He criticized some opposition from Democrats, attributing motives to them that involve garnering votes from non-citizen populations.

Echoing Johnson, Trump also highlighted the link between election integrity and secure borders, alluding to crime and unsustainable immigration levels as critical factors that jeopardize the nation’s future. Their combined advocacy for the bill underscores a contentious debate on how best to ensure fair and free elections in the United States.


The press conference at Mar-a-Lago with Trump and Johnson underscores a pivotal moment where issues of border security, immigration, and election integrity converge.

Their proposed bill, requiring proof of citizenship to participate in federal elections, aims to address these intertwined challenges.

As the narrative unfolds, the impact of this legislation on the electoral process and border policy remains to be seen, setting the stage for a significant policy and political debate.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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