Top Democrat Suggests Legislation to Block Dictators in the White House

 September 24, 2024

Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) is about to waste some serious taxpayer money on statement legislation.

Raskin recently stated that he would floor legislation to block dictators from taking over the White House, which is nothing more than his attempt to score political points and try to get the GOP on record as supporting a dictator.

Talking Points…
- Raskin's legislation
- Donald Trump flips the script
- Analysis

Raskin to Floor Anti-Dictator Legislation

Raskin, if you recall, did a panel discussion where he floated the idea of removing Trump from office if Democrats were able to take the majority in the House and hold the Senate. Now, he is floating radical legislation that will never make it through a Republican-controlled House, but that is precisely what he wants. In explaining his legislation, he stated:

"It is up to Congress, the representative branch of the people, to defend the constitutional order against presidents who would trample the freedoms of the people.

"This declaration is about protecting the freedoms of the people by closing statutory loopholes that could allow a president to exploit the executive power to trample constitutional freedom and liberty."

Raskin went on to say that he wants both sides to come together to sign a "No Dictators Declaration," which is a complete and utter joke. The way our government is set up, there is simply no way someone can come in and take over as a dictator… it is literally impossible. What Raskin really wants is for the GOP to refuse to sign, then he can attack them, saying they want a dictator and will be complicit in helping Trump become a dictator if he wins this election.

As Raskin explained the five pillars of his declaration, former Rep. Joe Walsh, a former Tea Party Republican, also chimed in, regurgitating the debunked narrative about Trump being a dictator if he wins office. Walsh stated:

"We're locked in arms right now because we have somebody running for president who has promised to be a dictator.

"This is a bipartisan effort every member of the House and every member of the Senate should easily sign and pledge that they don't want – we will not have a dictator as president."

Trump Bows Out in 2028

When Trump made the dictator comment, he was clearly joking. He was then forced to explain that he was referring to several executive orders that he would write on Day One to lock down our borders and once again make this country energy-independent by opening up drilling. This line has been debunked numerous times, yet Dems continue to use it, which is rather ironic since they have party members talking about reining in the media from pushing disinformation.

Not only that, but Trump also recently stated that if he does not win this election, the 2024 run is likely to be his last. Now, if he wanted to be a dictator, why would he quit running for office, right? Trump has also stated that if elected, he would respect the peaceful transfer of power in 2029 to the 2028 winner. On running again in 2028, Trump stated:

"No, I don't. I think that will be it. I don't see that at all. I think, hopefully we're gonna be successful."

Even after that, former Rep. Liz Cheney (R-MT) stated that if elected, Trump would not leave office, stating:

"I think it's a very, very real threat and concern.

"And I don't say any of that lightly and frankly, it's painful for me as someone who has spent her whole life in Republican politics, who grew up as a Republican to watch what's happening to my party and to watch the extent to which Donald Trump himself has basically determined that the only thing that matters is him, his power and his success."


These people are clowns, and gaslighting and fearmongering are all they can offer the American people right now. There is ZERO chance that Trump would remain in office past his term, yet they want you to believe that Trump can somehow override our Constitution and the checks and balances we have in place. They are doing this to make even the thought of voting for Trump being un-American due to that threat (which only exists in their minds). The fact the media even allows these people airtime is a disgrace.

About Jerry McConway

Jerry McConway is an independent political author and investigator who lives in Dallas, Texas. He has spent years building a strong following of readers who know that he will write what he believes is true, even if it means criticizing politicians his followers support. His readers have come to expect his integrity.

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