Tom Cotton Suddenly in Trump VP Conversation

 May 29, 2024

We are probably about six to eight weeks from having Donald Trump's VP named, but more names are being added to the list than subtracted.

The latest newcomer being Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR).

Talking Points…
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- Trump frontrunner VPs
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Cotton Added to Trump Shortlist for VPs

Senator Tom Cotton is about as mild-mannered as it gets. While I have never met the man in person, I have had considerable interactions with his office, and they have always been amazing. His office took a personal interest in the case of a personal friend who is a disabled veteran, and honestly, without Cotton's help, the situation would never have been resolved.

Cotton is an Army Veteran, having served with the 506th Infantry, 101st Airborne, and the 3rd Infantry. He is well-decorated, including a Bronze Star. Cotton was actually considering running for president at one time, but he bowed out of the race due to family considerations. However, he is now considered a top VP candidate on Trump's list.

Cotton has always supported Trump, and since joining Trump on the campaign trail at several events during this cycle, Trump has apparently become smitten with Cotton, gushing praise at him over his knowledge of the Constitution and in working with Congress. Trump also considers him someone who can properly articulate his policies. While Cotton stated family was the reason he was not running for president, he recently said he would consider taking a VP or cabinet position, responding:

"Under the right circumstances, if a Republican president asked me to consider such a job, I'd of course consider it any time a president asks one to serve the nation."

Trump Top VP Candidates

Those comments by Cotton really stirred the pot, but is he the right person to serve with Trump if Trump expects to get more votes from his partner on the ticket? Sadly, no, that is not the case. Cotton comes from a state that Trump will win convincingly and brings nothing to the race in terms of demographics, so while I like Cotton and would not be upset to see him as the VP, he is just not the right choice for Trump.

In terms of a possible woman VP, I believe that race is now just down to one. Nikki Haley and Tulsi Gabbard continue to be mentioned, and while I think both could wind up in Trump's administration, neither is a good VP pick for him. That leaves us with the one true possibility of Rep. Elise Stefanik (R-N.Y.), who Trump has become very fond of. But again, what does she really bring to the table? In a recent poll, Stefanik finished dead last of all possible VP picks in terms of influencing the vote with a net -11 score.

Other candidates mentioned have been Senator J.D. Vance, who has a long history of negative comments about Trump, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Rep. Byron Donalds (R-FL). Since both candidates hail from Trump's home state, that is not likely to happen unless Trump wants to sacrifice Florida's electoral votes (and that will never happen). This leaves us with Senator Tim Scott (R-S.C.) and Dr. Ben Carson.

As you guys know, I think Scott is the way to go and he scored the highest in the poll referenced above with a net +6. He helps Trump with black voters and all other minority voters, and he is a true moderate, which Trump really needs to draw in all the fence-sitters who do not buy into the 100% MAGA administration. Scott never gets involved in throwing mud or tossing around rhetoric, so he would again present a calming influence over the administration, which should draw in more voters. Carson is dull and honestly, just a bit odd. I just don't think he would have the same impact, not even close to what Scott offers on the ticket.


Trump is on the record saying that he does not believe a vice president really impacts the race, but he is wrong. For instance, in 2016, Mike Pence helped Trump land the evangelical vote, and in 2020, Harris helped Biden with both the black vote and women's vote. In either case, I don't think the candidate wins without that particular vice president. We can even go back to the Obama administration, with Joe Biden being added to help Obama with the older white vote.

When you look up and down the card, the only real choice for me is Senator Tim Scott. Yes, he checks all the boxes, but he is also a genuinely good man that people will love the more they see him. This would also install him as the favorite to be president in 2028, even over DeSantis, I believe, and that is saying something. This is just a no-brainer for Trump, and picking anyone else could be a massive mistake for his chances of winning the 2024 election.

About Jerry McConway

Jerry McConway is an independent political author and investigator who lives in Dallas, Texas. He has spent years building a strong following of readers who know that he will write what he believes is true, even if it means criticizing politicians his followers support. His readers have come to expect his integrity.

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