Swift's Harris Endorsement Backfires: More Voters Lean Trump, Poll Reveals

 September 16, 2024

Pop star Taylor Swift's recent endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris for president may have had an unintended effect, according to a new poll.

As reported by Breitbart News, the YouGov poll suggests that Swift's endorsement did little to sway voters in Harris's favor and may have actually pushed more voters toward former President Donald Trump.

The survey, conducted between September 11-12, 2024, polled 1,120 potential voters with a margin of error of ± 3.8%. While 66% of respondents said Swift's endorsement made no difference in their voting decision, a surprising 20% indicated they were "somewhat" or "much more likely" to vote for Trump as a result. In contrast, only 8% of voters said they would be more inclined to support Harris due to Swift's backing.

Swift's Endorsement Fails To Resonate With Majority

Despite Swift's massive popularity and influence, particularly among younger demographics, her political endorsement seems to have fallen flat with most voters. The poll results suggest that celebrity endorsements may not carry as much weight in political decision-making as some might assume.

Swift's endorsement of Harris came after the first presidential debate, with the singer encouraging her followers to conduct their own research before making a voting decision. This approach, while responsible, may not have been enough to convince undecided voters or sway those already leaning towards other candidates.

Unexpected Boost For Trump Campaign

Perhaps the most surprising outcome of Swift's endorsement is the apparent boost it gave to Trump's campaign. With 20% of respondents indicating they were more likely to vote for Trump following Swift's endorsement of Harris, it seems the move may have inadvertently energized Trump's base or swayed some undecided voters in his direction.

This backlash effect could be attributed to various factors, including potential resentment towards celebrity involvement in politics or a desire to push back against perceived cultural influences. Whatever the reason, it presents an unexpected challenge for the Harris campaign and a potential opportunity for Trump's team.

Harris Campaign Sees Silver Lining

Despite the poll's seemingly negative results for Harris, her campaign did see some positive outcomes from Swift's endorsement. According to reports, Swift's involvement drove over 400,000 people to register on vote.gov, a significant increase in voter registration activity.

USA Today reported:

As of Wednesday evening, a custom URL shared by Swift on her Instagram story that expired after 24 hours had directed 405,999 visitors to vote.gov, according to a spokesperson from the General Services Administration (GSA) speaking to USA TODAY on Thursday.

This surge in voter registration represents a substantial increase compared to the typical daily traffic of about 30,000 visitors in the week leading up to the debate.

Political Landscape Remains Complex

The mixed results of Swift's endorsement highlight the complex nature of celebrity influence in politics. While Swift's involvement clearly drove increased engagement with the voting process, it's less clear whether this will translate into actual votes for Harris.

Other public figures have taken different approaches to political involvement. For instance, Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes has stated his intention to remain neutral, focusing instead on encouraging voter registration and informed decision-making. Mahomes explained his position, saying:

I've always said, I don't want my place and my platform to be used to endorse a candidate — either way. I think my place is to get people registered [to vote], do their research and make their best decision for them and their family.


The poll results, Swift's endorsement, and the subsequent voter registration surge all point to a highly engaged and potentially volatile electorate. As the 2024 presidential race continues to unfold, campaigns will need to carefully consider how they leverage celebrity support and respond to unexpected shifts in voter sentiment. The complex interplay between popular culture and politics remains a significant factor in shaping the American political landscape.

About Aileen Barro

With years of experience at the forefront of political commentary, Robert Cunningham brings a blend of sharp wit and deep insight to his analysis of American principles at the Capitalism Institute.

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