Survey Shows Vast Support For US Supreme Court Reforms

 September 14, 2024

A recent survey conducted by the Annenberg Public Policy Center at the University of Pennsylvania has revealed widespread public support for various reforms to the United States Supreme Court.

According to Axios, the majority of Americans favor implementing term limits, mandatory retirement ages, and a formal ethics code for Supreme Court justices.

The poll's findings indicate that proposals to modify the court's structure and operations, which have been advocated by some Democratic lawmakers, resonate strongly with the American public. This support spans various aspects of potential reform, from addressing potential conflicts of interest to establishing more rigorous ethical guidelines for the nation's highest court.

Public Opinion On Ethical Guidelines

One of the most striking results from the survey is the overwhelming support for measures to address potential conflicts of interest among Supreme Court justices. An impressive 82% of respondents believe that justices should be prohibited from hearing cases in which they have personal or financial interests. This high percentage suggests a strong public desire for increased transparency and impartiality in the court's decision-making process.

Additionally, 77% of those surveyed expressed support for the implementation of a formal ethics code for Supreme Court justices. This code would include provisions for investigating potential misconduct, indicating a public appetite for greater accountability within the judicial branch.

The survey's findings come at a time when the Supreme Court's ethical standards have been under scrutiny. Until last year, the court did not have its own code of ethics. Even with the recent implementation of guidelines, these lack enforcement mechanisms or external oversight, leaving individual justices to decide when to recuse themselves from cases.

Term Limits And Mandatory Retirement

The Annenberg survey also revealed significant support for structural changes to the Supreme Court. Sixty-nine percent of respondents favored the introduction of a mandatory retirement age for justices, while 68% endorsed the concept of term limits for Supreme Court positions.

These proposals align with recent statements by President Biden, who has endorsed the idea of term limits for Supreme Court justices. The concept behind term limits is to create a system where each president would have the opportunity to appoint two new justices, potentially allowing the court's ideological composition to more closely reflect the electorate's preferences over time.

The public's support for these measures suggests a desire for a more dynamic and representative Supreme Court. By introducing term limits or mandatory retirement ages, proponents argue that the court could become more responsive to evolving societal values and legal interpretations.

Political Landscape And Reform Prospects

Despite the strong public support for Supreme Court reforms, the political reality presents significant challenges to implementing such changes. While some Congressional Democrats have been advocating for Supreme Court reform, there is currently little indication that these proposals will advance to a vote or passage in the near future.

The disconnect between public opinion and legislative action on this issue highlights the complexities of enacting judicial reforms. Constitutional amendments or significant legislative changes would likely be required to implement many of these proposed reforms, processes that typically face high hurdles in the U.S. political system.

Furthermore, any attempts to reform the Supreme Court would likely face intense scrutiny and debate, given the court's crucial role in the U.S. governmental system and its impact on major national issues. Opponents of reform may argue that changes could potentially undermine the court's independence or disrupt the delicate balance of powers between the branches of government.


The Annenberg Public Policy Center's survey reveals substantial public support for reforms to the U.S. Supreme Court. A large majority of Americans favor implementing ethical guidelines, including prohibiting justices from hearing cases with personal or financial conflicts of interest. There is also significant backing for structural changes such as term limits and mandatory retirement ages for justices. Despite this public sentiment, the political path to enacting such reforms remains challenging, with no immediate signs of legislative action on these proposals.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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