Speaker Johnson Surrendered Republican Leverage With Latest House Move

 January 19, 2024

A decisive moment unfolded in the halls of Congress as the threat of a government shutdown loomed large.

The U.S. House of Representatives passed a short-term spending bill, forestalling a government shutdown.

As the clock ticked closer to a potential government shutdown, the House of Representatives approved a Continuing Resolution (CR) to maintain government operations with the Senate already on board. The CR's passage, with a tally of 314-108, reflects a significant legislative move to preserve the status quo in government spending until March. Despite some Republican opposition, the extension was deemed necessary to prevent a disruptive halt in government services.

Congressional Action Amid Potential Crisis

Speaker Mike Johnson, facing a complex political landscape, opted to prioritize the stability offered by the CR over the inclusion of contentious border security measures. The decision to proceed without these measures was influenced by practical concerns, including expected snowfall that threatened to cause delays.

However, Johnson's decision to avoid a shutdown has not been without criticism from within his own party.

The requirement for a two-thirds majority was met under the suspension of the rules, a procedural move that allowed the CR to pass swiftly. In a display of political maneuvering, Speaker Johnson secured the necessary Republican votes, with 107 party members coming on board. A last-minute switch to a 'yes' vote by a previously undecided Republican was pivotal in achieving the required majority.

Political Tensions and Leadership Challenges

The need for majority Republican support, as per House rules, placed Speaker Johnson in a delicate position as he navigated through intra-party divisions. This CR marks a continuation of spending levels set by former Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Chuck Schumer in December 2022. The passage of this bill reflects a broader narrative of political tension, particularly within the Republican Party, over the direction of leadership and strategy.

The internal Republican Party frustrations stem from an ongoing struggle with the party's handling of key issues such as border security and broader government funding strategies. Former Speaker Kevin McCarthy's removal from his position, partly due to his support for a previous CR, looms over the current political theater. This latest legislative action further complicates Speaker Johnson's standing within his party, as he had previously promised to refrain from advancing any more CRs.

The bill's passage under Johnson's leadership has led to a growing discontent among Republicans. This dissatisfaction is not only with the party's approach to border security but also with its overall strategy in dealing with Democrats on fiscal matters. The CR's implementation, designed to expire in two phases, adds another layer of urgency to an already tense political environment.

Future Implications and President's Role

With the CR now passed, all eyes turn to President Joe Biden, who must sign the bill by 12:01 a.m. on Saturday to avert a shutdown. The bill's implementation uses a laddered approach to funding, with expiration dates set in two phases, a temporary measure that reflects the current political climate. The decision to pass the CR without border security enhancements is perceived by some as relinquishing Republican leverage over an issue that has been a flashpoint in American politics.

Texas Representative Chip Roy expressed a sentiment of frustration and urgency when discussing the actions of his colleagues and the broader implications for border security:

The question for my colleagues on this side of the aisle is ‘what are we going to do about it?' They can shake their heads all they want, but the blood of the people in Texas is on their hands.

Republicans directed their frustration at Democrats, who they feel have not adequately addressed border security issues. The tension within the Republican Party is also linked to their approach to negotiations and legislative strategy.


The House's approval of a Continuing Resolution has temporarily averted a government shutdown, extending spending levels until March. The move came with significant Republican support despite internal opposition and broader discontent over the exclusion of border security measures.

Speaker Mike Johnson's leadership has been called into question, as this action contradicts his earlier promises and has led to increased frustration within his party. The political ramifications of this decision could shape the future strategies of both parties, especially as it pertains to critical issues like border security.

The next steps now rest with President Biden, whose signature is essential to finalize the CR and maintain governmental operations.

About Aileen Barro

With years of experience at the forefront of political commentary, Robert Cunningham brings a blend of sharp wit and deep insight to his analysis of American principles at the Capitalism Institute.

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