Speaker Johnson Opens Up On Biden Impeachment Inquiry

 December 2, 2023

House Speaker Mike Johnson has announced plans for a formal impeachment inquiry vote against President Joe Biden. This move comes amidst allegations of obstruction from the White House in ongoing investigations related to the Biden family.

The decision for a formal vote is seen as a crucial step in compelling the White House's cooperation with Republican-led investigations.

According to Speaker Johnson, the impeachment committees have been conducting thorough investigations but now face hindrances from the White House, which is allegedly withholding access to crucial witnesses and evidence. This obstruction has led to the necessity of a formal inquiry vote, a step that Johnson and his Republican colleagues view as indispensable to advancing their probes.

Impeachment Vote Timed Before House Recess

Inside sources reveal that the Republican party is planning to hold this impeachment inquiry vote before the House recess scheduled for December 15. The timing of the vote is strategic, aiming to ensure that the inquiry moves forward without delay.

During a recent closed-door meeting, Republican representatives assessed the level of support for the impeachment inquiry vote. This internal assessment is crucial as the party seeks to present a united front in this significant political move against the Biden administration.

The plan to hold a formal impeachment inquiry vote is also being contrasted by Republicans with the approach taken by House Democrats during former President Donald Trump's impeachment. Republicans argue that their method, involving a formal vote, lends more legitimacy to the process compared to the Democrat-led impeachment of Trump, which proceeded without such a vote.

White House Dismisses Investigation's Legitimacy

The White House has responded to these developments by dismissing the legitimacy of the Republican-led investigation, citing the absence of a formal vote. This stance has been a significant factor in the decision to proceed with a formal impeachment inquiry vote, as noted by various Republican representatives.

Interestingly, even Republicans representing districts that voted for Biden have begun to voice support for a formal impeachment inquiry vote. This shift is attributed mainly to the perceived lack of cooperation from the White House, which has fueled bipartisan frustration.

House Speaker Johnson has been vocal about the necessity of this step, stressing the importance of adhering to the rule of law and conducting the inquiry methodically. His statements have underlined the contrast between this impeachment effort and previous instances, highlighting a focus on legality and thorough investigation.

Representatives Express Support for Inquiry Vote

Representative Carlos Gimenez, a Republican from Florida, expressed strong support for the impeachment inquiry, citing sufficient grounds for such a measure. His sentiments reflect a growing consensus within the Republican party about the necessity of this step.

Representative Greg Murphy from North Carolina echoed similar sentiments, emphasizing the intent to handle the impeachment process correctly, in contrast to previous impeachments. This sentiment reflects the party's desire to approach the inquiry with a focus on procedural correctness.

Representative David Schweikert from Arizona pointed out that the formal vote was in response to the administration's stance. He stated that the administration's unwillingness to cooperate without a formal vote necessitated this action.

"It's become a necessary step. Elise and I both served on the impeachment defense team of Donald Trump twice when the Democrats used it for brazen, partisan political purposes. We decried that use of it. This is very different. Remember, we are the rule of law team. We have to do it very methodically."

Democrats Counter GOP Claims

Oversight Democrats issued a five-page memo on Friday morning, countering Republicans' assertions. They argued that there's a substantial amount of evidence that exonerates Biden from any misconduct.

The memo emphasized that instead of acknowledging these facts, Republicans have engaged in selective interpretation and manipulation of information.

This approach, according to the memo, is to perpetuate a baseless investigation intended to appease President Trump, who has been impeached twice and is currently facing 91 felony charges.


The anticipated impeachment inquiry vote is not just a procedural step but also a significant political moment. It reflects the ongoing tension between the legislative and executive branches and highlights the challenges in maintaining checks and balances within the government.

  • House Republicans, led by Speaker Mike Johnson, are planning a formal impeachment inquiry vote against President Biden.
  • The vote is a response to alleged White House obstruction in investigations into the Biden family.
  • Republicans contrast their approach with the Democrat-led impeachment of Trump, emphasizing the importance of a formal vote.
  • Even Republicans from Biden-won districts are now supporting the vote due to the perceived lack of White House cooperation.
  • The timeline for the impeachment inquiry has been set, with key steps planned before the House recess on December 15.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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