Speaker Johnson Faces Motion To Remove Him From Speakership

 March 22, 2024

According to NBC News, Far-right Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene has taken steps to oust Speaker Mike Johnson.

This dramatic step by Greene underscores the deep fractures within the Republican Party, coming at a critical moment immediately after the House managed to avert a government shutdown.

The timing of Greene’s motion, filed on a bustling Friday amid votes to keep the government operational, signals a tumultuous phase within the Republican ranks. Following his predecessor Kevin McCarthy, Mike Johnson has served only five months as speaker, and his position is under threat.

Though Greene’s motion is not set for immediate action, tagged as a regular motion rather than a privileged one, its implications loom large, hinting at a simmering unrest.

A Warning Rather Than a Dismissal: Greene's Stance on Leadership

To frame her actions, Marjorie Taylor Greene articulated that her motion serves as a cautionary measure to preempt chaos rather than an outright expulsion. "This motion is more of a warning than a pink slip,” she declared, stressing the urgent need for a new leader to shepherd the Republican conference.

Greene’s move has not been made in isolation. She confirmed that she had not consulted former President Donald Trump about her decision, underscoring this as an independent course of action to enforce discipline and unity within the House. The discussion on the motion's fate is postponed until after a two-week recess, with the House set to resume on April 9, leaving a cloud of uncertainty over Johnson's tenure.

The Political Chessboard: Allies and Adversaries Respond

The reaction to Greene’s initiative has been mixed, weaving a complex tapestry of intra-party dynamics and cross-party considerations. Mike Johnson’s spokesperson, Raj Shah, emphasized the Speaker's focus on governance and pushing conservative agendas, downplaying the turmoil.

Meanwhile, Representative Matt Gaetz, a pivotal figure in previous leadership upheavals, voiced concerns over the risk of inadvertently handing over control to Democrats through such movements.

Dialogue across the aisle reveals some moderate Democrats' willingness to support Johnson, aiming to preserve stability within the House. Representative Tom Suozzi characterized Greene's motion as part of a "comedy routine," mocking its timing and context amidst efforts to keep the government running. On the other hand, Representative Susan Wild expressed dissatisfaction with Johnson's leadership, though not explicitly supporting Greene's move.

Show of Unity or Sectarian Split?

Among Republicans, opinions vary widely, from outright opposition to Greene’s motion by Rep. Mike Lawler, who denounced it as a source of "chaos and unnecessary distractions," to Rep. Tim Burchett's refusal to support the removal based on a person-specific trust in Johnson. Meanwhile, Representative Ralph Norman remains on the fence, awaiting a coherent succession plan should the motion proceed.

This unfolding drama, hinting at deep-seated divisions and unexpected alliances, casts a long shadow over the Republican Party's ability to maintain cohesion and focus on its legislative agenda. Representatives' willingness to defend or dethrone Johnson adds complexity to an already volatile political landscape.

Greene's discussions and hints at her motion are echoing throughout the corridors of power, previously shared on platforms like Steve Bannon's podcast and NBC News. She comments on the pervasive discontent and strategic maneuvering within the House, illustrating the fraught path ahead.


Marjorie Taylor Greene's motion to remove Speaker Mike Johnson encapsulates the current tumult within the Republican Party, revealing fissures that go beyond mere policy differences to the core of leadership and direction. With responses ranging from cautious support to outright opposition, the fate of Johnson's speakership hangs in the balance, signaling potentially seismic shifts in the political landscape as the House reconvenes. This drama, unfolding against crucial governance matters like averting government shutdowns, showcases the intricate dance of power, loyalty, and strategy that defines the nation’s legislative body.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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