Sen. Cotton Labels Harris As Iran's Preferred Candidate

 September 30, 2024

Arkansas Republican Senator Tom Cotton has stirred controversy with his recent remarks about Vice President Kamala Harris and the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hezbollah.

During an interview on CBS News's Face the Nation, Cotton referred to Harris as the "Ayatollahs' handpicked candidate," criticizing the Biden administration's approach to Iran and its proxies in the Middle East, Breitbart News reported.

The senator, serving on the armed services and intelligence committees, strongly opposed any ceasefire or de-escalation efforts in the ongoing conflict. Cotton argued that now is the time for the United States to fully support Israel in neutralizing Hezbollah's remaining capabilities, following what he described as a "huge blow" to the organization's leadership.

Cotton's Call For Decisive Action Against Hezbollah

Senator Cotton emphasized the need for a more aggressive approach to dealing with Hezbollah. He pointed out that the terrorist organization possesses an arsenal of over 100,000 rockets, missiles, and mortars aimed at Israel.

According to Cotton, recent Israeli strikes have significantly impacted Hezbollah's leadership structure, including the reported killing of its leader, Hassan Nasrallah.

The Arkansas senator insisted that the United States should support Israel in completely dismantling Hezbollah. He argued that destroying the group's leadership and military capabilities would leave Iran, Hezbollah's primary backer, in a vulnerable position. Cotton stated:

Iran has used [Hezbollah's] threat to deter Israel for years ... Now is not the time for a ceasefire or to de-escalate as Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want.

Cotton went on to suggest that Hezbollah is currently "on its knees" and that the United States should assist Israel in finishing off the organization once and for all. He expressed his belief that Israel should be allowed to "win" this conflict decisively.

Criticism Of Biden Administration's Middle East Policy

In his interview, Senator Cotton did not hold back in his criticism of the Biden administration's handling of Iranian aggression, particularly in Yemen and the Red Sea. He accused President Biden and Vice President Harris of leaving U.S. sailors vulnerable to attacks from Iranian-backed forces in these regions.

Cotton described the administration's approach as one of appeasement, stating that from the moment Biden and Harris took office, there have been consistent threats to Americans. He called for a more forceful U.S. response to Iranian provocations, arguing that the current administration's policy has been ineffective in deterring attacks on American troops and interests.

The senator went further in his critique, accusing the Biden administration of enabling Iran's actions through what he perceives as a lenient approach. Cotton claimed:

Over the last four years, they've given away tens of billions of dollars in sanctions relief. They've looked the other way as Iran violates sanctions. They've continually put more pressure on Israel than on Iran's terrorist proxy.

Controversial Remarks About Vice President Harris

Perhaps the most provocative aspect of Cotton's interview was his characterization of Vice President Kamala Harris. The senator referred to Harris as "the Ayatollah's handpicked candidate," suggesting that her policies and positions align with the interests of Iran's leadership.

Cotton referred to Kamala Harris's opposition to the 2020 strike ordered by then-President Donald Trump, which targeted Iranian military commander Qasem Soleimani, as a sign of her supposed support for Iran. He then made a bold accusation, claiming that Harris is the preferred candidate of Iran’s leadership, suggesting that Iranian authorities were interfering in Trump's campaign with the intent to harm him.

In conclusion, Senator Tom Cotton's recent comments have ignited a fierce debate about the Biden administration's approach to Iran and its proxies in the Middle East. His call for more aggressive action against Hezbollah and his criticism of Vice President Harris's foreign policy positions highlight the deep divisions in U.S. politics regarding Middle East strategy.

About Aileen Barro

With years of experience at the forefront of political commentary, Robert Cunningham brings a blend of sharp wit and deep insight to his analysis of American principles at the Capitalism Institute.

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