Sen. Bob Casey Linked to Controversial Super PAC Accused of Election Misconduct

 June 30, 2024

In a disruptive turn of political events, a super PAC closely aligned with Democratic circles has stirred controversy with a provocative advertisement.

According to Breitbart, a new ad by Pennsylvania Values appears to endorse former President Donald Trump's objections to mail-in voting, sparking intense backlash and accusations of misrepresentation from Trump's campaign team.

The Harrisburg-based Democratic super PAC, Pennsylvania Values, is currently under fire for an ad released in June 2024. The content urged voters to support Trump's critique of mail-in voting, creating tension within and outside the party lines.

Trump Campaign Issues Cease-and-Desist to Super PAC

Following the ad's release, Sean Parnell highlighted its potential to mislead, labeling it "a brazen act of election interference." He emphasized that it inaccurately portrays Trump's stance on the issue.

The Trump campaign swiftly responded with a cease-and-desist letter addressed to Pennsylvania Values. It accused them of "false advertising" and hinted at the ad's potential as "criminal election interference."

Brian Hughes, a senior advisor to the Trump campaign, articulated the perceived abuse of political advertising by Democrats. He stated, "Biden and his allies are prepared to do whatever it takes to disrupt this election due to Crooked Joe's declining national and battleground state polls. Pennsylvania Values PAC is circulating falsehoods to restrict voter participation. President Trump has consistently advocated for the usage of all legal voting mechanisms. Disseminating an opposing message through advertisement is a deceitful attempt to mislead Pennsylvania voters, suppress Trump supporters, and disrupt a fair election this Fall."

Complex Financial Connections Revealed

During a detailed examination, financial records disclosed that Pennsylvania Values dispatched $48,000 to GPS Impact in June 2024 for the creation of digital advertisements. At the same time, there's minimal cash left for the PAC, with only $1,525 noted at the end of the first fiscal quarter of 2024.

Senator Bob Casey, who has routed over $2.1 million to GPS Impact since 2018, finds his financial interactions under scrutiny. GPS Impact is known for employing the Democratic Party's principal opposition research strategy team and a past executive director of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

Additionally, Pennsylvania Values has prolonged financial engagements with Cabbage Hill Consulting, to which it has paid nearly $725,000 since 2017. Jason O’Malley, the firm's founder, holds previous connections to the Democratic National Committee.


Dave McCormick, Senator Casey’s opponent, criticized Casey's support of Joe Biden following the president's debate performances. He stated, “Bob Casey has repeatedly affirmed his 'close friend' Joe Biden, with whom he aligns 98 percent of the time, is suitable to be president. What we all witnessed last night proves Casey is deceiving.”

In response to the unfolding political drama, Cabbage Hill Consulting continues to act as a consultancy for several Democratic entities such as Representatives Susan Wild, and Chris Deluzio, the Pennsylvania Democrat Party, and the DNC itself.

This complex web of accusations, financial ties, and controversial advertising highlights deeper issues of transparency and integrity that are now shaping the narrative of the 2024 elections.

The direct affiliation of Sen. Bob Casey with entities like GPS Impact and the entanglements of Pennsylvania Values are raising critical questions about influence, credibility, and the tactics employed in modern political campaigns. The ramifications of this controversy are likely to impact voter perceptions and partisan strategies as election day approaches.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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