Secret Service Whistleblowers Come Forward

 September 20, 2024

My leading theory regarding the Secret Service protection breakdowns against Trump is that while I do not believe the government ordered the threats, I firmly believe that someone high up in the food chain allowed and even wanted these events to play out.

After hearing a report regarding a Secret Service whistleblower as well as a recent Dan Bongino report, I think I am dead on the money on this theory.

Talking Points….
- Whistleblower comes forward
- Dan Bongino bombshell report
- Analysis

Whistleblower Comes Forward

This week, Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO) penned a letter to acting U.S. Secret Service Director Ronald Rowe about a report from a whistleblower regarding the second assassination attempt against Donald Trump. According to the Republican Senator, a source who has worked on Trump’s protection details in the past and is very familiar with the golf course vulnerabilities that came forward, Hawley wrote:

"As a result, the whistleblower alleges it has been Secret Service protocol to ‘post up’ agents at these vulnerable spots when Trump visits the course. That apparently did not happen on September 15.

"Instead, the gunman was permitted to remain along or near the fence line for some 12 hours."

Hawley also addressed the issue with reporters, explaining:

"That is, areas where you can get a clear line of sight from off the course of people playing the course. So, it has been Secret Service protocol to station agents at these known sites before Trump would play the course. That apparently didn't happen.

“It sounds as if they didn't even sweep the perimeter. This is really strange. This is why the gunman was able to hang out there at one of these known vulnerable sites for twelve hours without anybody saying anything to him until Trump was within a few hundred yards."

Dan Bongino Drops Bombshell Report on Show

As if that was not bad enough, Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent, had a friend in the agency reach out to him about the protection details for Donald Trump. Bongino read a letter on-air from the agent, whose identity he kept hidden, that obliterated upper management for not giving them the proper assets to protect Donald Trump.

When you have five minutes, please listen to his report in full, as it is very informative. Just be aware that there is some language in this report due to Bongino reading the letter from the agent word-for-word…


All this comes after Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) shredded the Secret Service for the lack of cooperation in the Senate’s investigation into the first assassination attempt of Donald Trump. Also on that front, there was bodycam footage released this week showing that the Secret Service told local police that it would secure the building from where the shots were taken at Trump.

After seeing the breakdowns in coverage that day, I stated that I believed Trump was being given agents who were not top tier, possibly even agents being borrowed from other agencies, for his detail. These were clearly not skilled or trained agents. Also, with the level of breakdowns, I had stated that I believed that when the higher-ups in the agency heard of the threat, they seemingly allowed it to play out rather than act on the threat and eliminate it.

Now we have the second attempt, where basic security measures would have spotted the threat and apprehended him long before Donald Trump ever arrived at the course, but a sweep and overhead drone coverage was clearly not part of the security package that day. Again, do I think someone in our government “ordered” a hit against Trump? Absolutely not, but I firmly believe there is a rogue element that is purposely sabotaging Trump’s security detail in the hopes that one of these threats is successful. Remember, it’s not a conspiracy theory if it’s true, and these whistleblowers and protection breakdowns are proving me correct rather than this being pure speculation.

About Jerry McConway

Jerry McConway is an independent political author and investigator who lives in Dallas, Texas. He has spent years building a strong following of readers who know that he will write what he believes is true, even if it means criticizing politicians his followers support. His readers have come to expect his integrity.

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