Secret Service Closes In After Protesters Confront Biden

 December 21, 2023

Milwaukee's streets became a tableau of dissent as President Biden faced unexpected protests during his visit.

President Joe Biden's visit to Milwaukee, intended for a speech at the Wisconsin Black Chamber of Commerce, was marked by significant protests led by pro-Palestinian groups, raising concerns about the 2024 election.

President Biden's arrival in Milwaukee was overshadowed by the strong presence of the Wisconsin Coalition for Justice in Palestine. Representing over 60 organizations, these protesters voiced their disapproval of Biden's stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict, which started on October 7.

Protesters Decry U.S. Policy on Israel-Hamas Conflict

The demonstrators labeled Biden's support for Israel as a direct involvement in what they termed as 'genocide.' This strong accusation came amid the ongoing and intense Israel-Hamas war that has been a point of international concern.

Munjed Ahmad, a prominent figure among the protesters and an attorney, didn't mince words. He accused President Biden of having "blood on his hands," a statement that highlights the heightened emotions surrounding the U.S.'s foreign policy decisions.

Quoted directly from Ahmad, the sentiment was clear:

“What is happening in Gaza is genocide, and he is complicit with that genocide, so he has blood on his hands. We still expect him to call for a ceasefire and not have the U.S. stand alone on the wrong side of history.”

Wisconsin's Pivotal Role in 2024 Election

The political implications of these protests are significant. The group threatened to withhold their votes in the 2024 presidential election, potentially impacting Biden's chances in Wisconsin. Notably, Biden secured Wisconsin in the previous election by a margin of approximately 20,000 votes. This slim victory margin underscores the potential influence of the protesters' voting block.

Ahmad emphasized the power of their vote, stating:

“He won Wisconsin by about 20,000 votes only. We are a voting bloc that is way more than 20,000. He will not win Wisconsin without our votes. And at this point, he doesn't have them. It is our intention to abandon him because of his complicity with the genocide.

#AbandonBiden: A Campaign Gaining Momentum

The protest in Milwaukee is not an isolated incident but part of a broader coordinated campaign among American Muslims in swing states. This #abandonbiden movement is a testament to the power of organized political action.

Muslim leaders from multiple states, including Michigan, Minnesota, Arizona, Wisconsin, Florida, Georgia, Nevada, and Pennsylvania, convened in Dearborn, Michigan, to spearhead this campaign. Their goal is to influence political stances by leveraging their collective voting power.

This coordinated effort reflects the growing awareness and activism among American Muslim communities regarding U.S. foreign policies and their impact on international conflicts.

Concluding Thoughts: The Power of the Vote

The events in Milwaukee are a vivid reminder of the power of democratic expression and the significant impact a determined group can have on the political landscape.

  • President Biden faced substantial protests by pro-Palestinian demonstrators during his visit to Milwaukee.
  • The protests were in response to Biden's stance on the Israel-Hamas conflict, with accusations of complicity in genocide.
  • A significant police presence was necessary due to the scale of the protests.
  • The campaign #abandonbiden reflects a coordinated effort among American Muslims to influence political outcomes in swing states.
  • The protesters highlighted the potential impact on the 2024 election in Wisconsin, a pivotal state.

About Aileen Barro

With years of experience at the forefront of political commentary, Robert Cunningham brings a blend of sharp wit and deep insight to his analysis of American principles at the Capitalism Institute.

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