Search Intensifies for Missing Actor and Suspect, Cole Brings Plenty

 April 2, 2024

A community is in turmoil as Cole Brings Plenty, a budding actor and the nephew of "Yellowstone" star Mo Brings Plenty, has inexplicably vanished.

Cole Brings Plenty has been reported missing shortly after being identified as a suspect in a domestic violence case in Lawrence, Kansas, compelling both family and friends to express grave concerns for his safety.

According to the Daily Mail, authorities were alerted to a domestic incident on Easter Sunday when a female was heard screaming for help from an apartment. The Lawrence Police Department has since been on high alert, actively seeking Cole, who was last seen driving a white 2005 Ford Explorer. The police submitted an affidavit for his arrest on charges related to the incident to the Douglas County District Attorney.

Cole is known not only for his edging career in acting, with appearances in two episodes of the "Yellowstone" spinoff "1923," but also for his work as a model and his student life at Haskell Indian Nations University. The sudden disappearance of someone so dynamically involved in his career and community is alarming.

Joseph Brings Plenty Sr., Cole's father, took to Facebook to implore anyone with information on his son's whereabouts to come forward. "If anyone knows where my son Cole Brings Plenty is please tell him to call me," he posted, reflecting a father's desperation to reunite with his son.

Missing Person Case Sheds Light on Broader Issues

Mo Brings Plenty's co-star on "Yellowstone," Cole Hauser, also played a critical part in raising awareness of Cole's disappearance by sharing the news on Instagram. This has brought the issue to a wider audience, including fans of the show and the general public, enhancing the efforts to locate Cole.

The Missing and Murdered Indigenous People (MMIP) movement has also been highlighted through this unfortunate event, underlining the alarming rate at which Indigenous individuals are disappearing. Gaylene Crouser, the Executive Director of the Kansas City Indian Center, echoes this concern:

The statistics are heartbreaking and unreal. And unfortunately, a lot of times our folks are just falling through the cracks, and they don't they don't get the media attention, they don't get the same attention. And so that's one of the reasons why we want to make sure to amplify MMIP in general and any specific cases that we come across when we know about them.

Cole's absence has been particularly distressing for his family. His missed appointment with an agent for a TV show was out of character for him. His accomplishments and promising future in the entertainment industry add to the urgency of finding him.

The Community's Rally for Return and Awareness

The Kansas City Indian Center and other advocates have been fervently distributing information about Cole's disappearance, hopeful that increased visibility will assist in his safe return.

The Lawrence Police Department emphasizes that information is scarce due to the sensitive nature of domestic violence cases but reassures the public that they are doing all they can to bring Cole to safety and resolve the situation.

In conclusion, Cole Brings Plenty's sudden disappearance and subsequent identification as a suspect in a domestic violence incident has sparked a significant search and community concern.

His family's anxiety is mirrored by the broader community, including the Kansas City Indian Center and the MMIP movement, all emphasizing the need for immediate action in finding Cole and addressing the ongoing issue of indigenous peoples' disappearances and murders.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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