Ronny Jackson Claims Mayorkas Has Been ‘Derelict’ In His Duty

 November 27, 2023

A wave of discontent among House Republicans, led by Rep. Ronny Jackson, is rising against Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over his handling of the southern border situation.

Rep. Ronny Jackson claimed this week that Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has been "completely derelict in his duty" to secure the southern border.

Emphasizing the severity of the situation, Jackson and his colleagues are calling for Mayorkas' impeachment, framing the border crisis as a clear and present "national security issue."

Charges of Dereliction of Duty

Jackson has been vocal in his critique of Mayorkas. He argues that the Homeland Security Secretary has failed in his role to secure the border.

According to Jackson, Mayorkas has been provided "every opportunity" to manage the escalating crisis but has instead chosen to "bury his head in the sand."

He further alleges that Mayorkas is merely a "puppet of the Biden administration," raising questions about the Secretary's autonomy and effectiveness.

Implications for National Security

Jackson underscores the gravity of the situation at the southern border, calling it a "national security issue." He points to alarming trends, including fentanyl-related deaths, surges in migrant numbers, associated crime, trafficking, and violence.

Rep. Ronny Jackson shared his concerns, stating:

"He has been completely derelict in his duty. This is a national security issue for us now. It’s not just an issue with the fentanyl and poisoning our youth, not an issue with just the overwhelming number of people coming other here, the crime, the sex trafficking, drug trafficking, all of the violence that follows that, it’s an issue now of national security."

Previous Impeachment Attempts

While Jackson's call for impeachment is recent, this isn't the first time such an attempt has been made. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has previously led a drive to impeach Mayorkas. However, her attempt was tabled, surprisingly, by eight fellow Republicans, four of whom serve on the crucial House Judiciary Committee.

Greene's response to this setback was one of disappointment. She suggested that the tabling of her impeachment attempt shows some Republicans "aren't really for impeachment."

Nevertheless, despite this setback, Jackson is hopeful of reigniting the impeachment process against Mayorkas with the support of the House Republicans.

Accusations Against President Biden

Along with his criticism of Mayorkas, Jackson has also aimed at President Biden. He passionately believes that the President has the power to halt the border crisis "overnight." However, he accuses Biden of choosing to ignore the problem rather than addressing it head-on.

The situation at the southern border continues to be a major national concern. As Republicans ramp up their impeachment efforts against Mayorkas in the new Congress, the question remains: will they succeed, or will their attempts once again be tabled?


  • Rep. Ronny Jackson, among other House Republicans, is advocating for the impeachment of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over his handling of the southern border.
  • Jackson accuses Mayorkas of being "completely derelict in his duty" and describes the border situation as a "national security issue."
  • Previous impeachment attempts, led by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, were tabled by eight Republicans, causing some dissent within the party.
  • Jackson also criticizes President Biden, maintaining that he could halt the border crisis but chooses to ignore it.


About Aileen Barro

With years of experience at the forefront of political commentary, Robert Cunningham brings a blend of sharp wit and deep insight to his analysis of American principles at the Capitalism Institute.

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