Revealed Voicemail Suggests Joe Biden Did Discuss Hunter's Chinese Dealings

 June 4, 2024

A recently unearthed voicemail left by President Joe Biden for his son, Hunter Biden, has stirred new scrutiny over the elder Biden’s involvement in his son’s foreign business affairs.

A voicemail from Joe Biden to his son Hunter confirms that the president discussed Hunter's business dealings in China.

According to Daily Mail, President Joe Biden allegedly spoke with his son about a New York Times article about Hunter's business dealings, contradicting prior denials about such discussions.

In the voicemail left on December 12, 2018, Joe Biden comments on an article detailing Hunter Biden’s business connections with CEFC, a Chinese oil company.

Scrutiny Over Hunter Biden's CEFC Dealings Intensifies

Hunter Biden had forged a lucrative multimillion-dollar agreement with CEFC. This relationship leveraged the Biden family name and led Hunter to meet with CEFC chairman Ye Jianming to explore investment opportunities in U.S. infrastructure and energy.

Ye Jianming was later detained in China, and his top aide, Patrick Ho, was convicted in the U.S. of bribery charges. During Ho’s arrest, he attempted to reach Joe Biden’s brother, Jim Biden, thinking he was contacting Hunter, underscoring the connections' complexity and depth.

Hunter Biden referred to Patrick Ho as the 'spy chief of China' in a May 11, 2018 discussion. This comment was made amidst Hunter's deal with CEFC, further adding layers to the evolving narrative of the Biden family’s international business intrigues.

The Financial and Personal Interplay within the Biden Family

The dynamics between Hunter and his father also stretched to financial arrangements. Both shared a bank account and handled each other's bills. Hunter’s business partner was even tasked with managing Joe Biden's taxes.

According to a controversial email from Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop, known as the 'big guy' email, there is an implication that Joe Biden might have been indirectly involved in plans potentially related to Chinese influence strategies. However, this has yet to be conclusively proven.

Moreover, as vice president, Joe Biden was purportedly present at several meetings with Hunter's foreign business contacts in 2013 and 2014, and he attended a dinner in Washington, D.C., which included Hunter’s international business associates.

The voicemail from Joe Biden, recovered from Hunter's iPhone, adds a personal dimension to the ongoing discussions, especially given its content. Here is the voicemail message:

Hey pal, it's Dad. It's 8:15 on Wednesday night. If you get a chance just give me a call. Nothing urgent. I just wanted to talk to you... I thought the article released online, it's going to be printed tomorrow in the Times, was good. I think you're clear. And anyway if you get a chance give me a call, I love you.

In contrast, Hunter Biden’s communications also reflect his take on the unfolding scenario, as evident from a text he sent to his business associate Devon Archer, discussing a quote from his uncle Jim Biden.

Biden Voicemail Highlights Family Foreign Business

Amid these revelations, the public's and judicial entities' interest in the Biden family's business dealings has sharply increased, raising questions about the potential implications for Joe Biden's political career. The disclosed voicemail and surrounding events encapsulate broader discussions about transparency, ethical boundaries, and international diplomacy, which are pivotal in understanding the extent of political families' business engagements.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.
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