Rep. Chip Roy Advocates the SAVE Act to Prevent Non-Citizen Voting

 June 19, 2024

During his recent interview on Breitbart News Daily, Rep. Chip Roy addressed pressing concerns regarding non-citizen participation in U.S. elections.

In his dialogue, he emphasized the critical need for the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act to tighten voter registration processes to ensure that only U.S. citizens partake in federal elections.

Rep. Roy highlighted his concerns with examples where non-citizens allegedly voted, impacting election results. He specifically mentioned the controversial election of Al Franken in Minnesota, proposing that non-citizen votes could have influenced the outcome.

Additionally, Rep. Roy spoke about the wider consequences of these issues, pointing to a recent case in Virginia where authorities had removed 1,500 names from the voter registration rolls over the past year due to problems verifying their citizenship.

Roy Criticizes Motor Voter Act's Limitations

Rep. Chip Roy criticized the National Voter Registration Act of 1993, commonly known as the Motor Voter Act. According to him, the act severely restricts state capabilities to verify the citizenship status of those registering to vote in federal elections, thus complicating the voter integrity process.

He advocates for the SAVE Act as a measure to ameliorate these problems by demanding concrete proof of citizenship at the time of voter registration. This push is informed by discrepancies in voter registration practices across states, some of which like North Dakota, do not require voter registration at all, further complicating efforts to standardize these processes nationwide.

Local Jurisdictions Register Non-Citizens

In addition, the congressman highlighted challenges stemming from certain local jurisdictions registering non-citizens solely for state and local elections. Cities such as Oakland, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and New York City have policies that allow non-citizens to vote in local elections.

Rep. Roy voiced concerns that while these localities can ensure citizenship checks for their state and local elections, federal restrictions prevent them from maintaining similar standards for federal elections. This dual system leads to complexities that could potentially allow non-citizens to participate in national elections inadvertently.

Bipartisan Support for Tighter Voting Laws

Interestingly, Rep. Roy pointed out that there seems to be a growing bipartisan consensus around the issue, citing a recent legislative session in Washington, D.C., where a considerable number of Democrats supported a measure to end non-citizen voting registration for local elections.

This indicates significant support across party lines for revisiting and revising laws concerning who gets to vote, hinting that this could indeed be a major political fault line in the upcoming elections.

During the Breitbart News Daily show, Rep. Chip Roy highlighted various aspects that necessitate the implementation of the SAVE Act. He backed his stance with studies and specific instances suggesting potential election influence by non-citizens and underlined the complex electoral processes in states like Arizona, which must manage separate electoral systems due to federal regulations.

The SAVE Act is seen as the corrective tool necessary to bridge these systemic gaps. It seeks to streamline identification and registration processes to ensure that only U.S. citizens can influence the American electoral framework.

In conclusion, the stirring debate around non-citizen voting and the SAVE Act, as advocated by Rep. Chip Roy, underscores a pivotal moment in the U.S. electoral process. It reflects a deep-seated concern about maintaining the integrity of the nation’s democratic mechanisms against a backdrop of complexities manifesting both at state and federal levels.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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