Removing Trump From Ballot Is Election Interference: Brenna Bird

 January 6, 2024

In a bold statement, Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird has condemned efforts to exclude former President Donald Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot in Colorado, labeling them as election interference.

Iowa AG Brenna Bird has criticized moves to remove Donald Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot in Colorado, seeing it as a direct interference in the democratic process.

Bird, expressing her concerns, stated, "What Colorado is trying to do, what their Supreme Court did, is election interference." This comment comes after the Colorado Supreme Court decided to bar Trump from the state's 2024 ballot. Bird views this as an infringement on the rights of American voters to choose their preferred presidential candidate.

Brenna Bird Emphasizes the Importance of Voter Choice

According to Bird, the efforts to exclude Trump reveal a deep-seated fear among the left. "They don’t want to face him in November, so they’re trying to do everything they can to get him off the ballot," she asserted. Her comments highlight a belief that the left is using legal maneuvers to avoid a direct electoral confrontation with Trump.

Bird’s role as attorney general involves upholding the law and the Constitution. She emphasizes the significance of adhering to democratic principles, saying, "As attorney general, I enforce our laws and Constitution, and it is absolutely important in a democracy that the rules are followed." These remarks underline her commitment to ensuring that electoral rules are not bent for political gains.

Legal Support for Trump Grows Among Republican AGs

All Republican Attorneys General, including Brenna Bird, have united in supporting Trump. They have filed an amicus brief with the U.S. Supreme Court, backing Trump’s right to be on the ballot. This collective action demonstrates a strong Republican front in what they see as a legal battle for electoral fairness.

Bird has criticized the legal reasoning against Trump, calling it "harebrained." She points out that the 14th Amendment, which has been in place for over 150 years, has never been interpreted in this manner. This perspective challenges the legal grounds of the efforts to keep Trump off the ballot.

Supreme Court Decision Eagerly Awaited

With the U.S. Supreme Court expected to rule soon, Bird expressed her hopes for a swift resolution. "I hope the U.S. Supreme Court will act quickly, decide it based on the actual laws and Constitution, and put this to rest once and for all," she said. This statement underscores the urgency and significance of the impending decision.

Bird also suggested a more direct approach from President Joe Biden. Reflecting on the ideal course of action, she said Biden, if he wished to do the right thing, would advocate for Trump's inclusion on the ballot. She believes this would allow for a fair and square electoral battle.

Political Implications of the Ballot Controversy

The controversy surrounding Trump's potential exclusion from the ballot carries significant political implications. It not only affects Trump's supporters but also raises broader questions about the integrity and fairness of the electoral process in the United States.

While President Biden has not publicly called for Trump to be placed on ballots, the tension between the two political camps is palpable. This situation leaves many Americans concerned about the precedent such a decision could set for future elections.

In conclusion, the debate over Donald Trump's presence on the 2024 presidential ballot, as highlighted by Iowa AG Brenna Bird, touches on fundamental democratic principles. It raises concerns about election interference, the importance of voter choice, and the role of legal interpretations in political battles. As the nation awaits the Supreme Court's ruling, the outcome will undoubtedly have lasting impacts on the American political landscape.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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