Psaki Casts Doubt On Biden's ABC Interview Impact

 July 8, 2024

The recent interview between President Biden and ABC's George Stephanopoulos has sparked significant discussion within the Democratic Party.

MSNBC host and former White House press secretary Jen Psaki expressed doubts about the interview's effectiveness in addressing concerns regarding Biden's ability to serve.

According to Fox News, Psaki, who joined MSNBC as a contributor and now hosts "Inside with Jen Psaki," commented on the interview during her show. She noted that Democratic figures are increasingly urging Biden to consider stepping down following his underwhelming debate performance against former President Trump in June. The interview was seen as an attempt by Biden to counter these criticisms and reassure his supporters.

Concerns Within the Democratic Party

During the interview, Biden struggled to remember if he had watched his own debate performance, a detail that Psaki highlighted as a cause for concern.

While Psaki acknowledged that Biden appeared better prepared in the interview compared to the debate, she pointed out that several moments did not go well and did little to change the public's perception.

"A CBS poll showed that 72% of voters do not believe Biden has the mental or cognitive health to serve," Psaki remarked, emphasizing the urgency for Democrats to address these concerns before the upcoming election. Psaki also mentioned that Biden seemed "in denial" about his race against Trump and failed to reassure supporters about his stamina and capability to handle the rigors of the presidency.

Psaki's observations come at a critical time for the Democratic Party, with the Democratic National Convention and the election rapidly approaching. The panic within the party persists, and Psaki stressed the need for decisive action.

Biden's Struggle to Reassure Supporters

Psaki, who served as White House press secretary until May 2022, joined MSNBC shortly after leaving the White House. Her insights carry significant weight, given her close working relationship with Biden during his presidency. During her analysis, she noted that while Biden's interview performance was an improvement over his debate, it was far from a home run.

"In many ways, people watching saw what they wanted to see," Psaki commented, acknowledging that some viewers might have found Biden's performance reassuring. However, she quickly pointed out that the interview likely wasn’t enough to change the minds of the 72% of voters who doubt Biden's mental and cognitive health, as indicated by the CBS poll.

Urgency for Democrats to Decide on Path Forward

Psaki's remarks underscore the growing sense of urgency within the Democratic Party. With the clock ticking towards the Democratic National Convention, the party must decide on an alternative path if Biden's perceived weaknesses are not adequately addressed.

Psaki stated:

The questions I know I’m getting from text messages from friends, from family are twofold: What’s going to happen and what is the best path forward? And I’m not going to sit here this afternoon and tell you I know the answer to either question.

Psaki's analysis highlights the critical juncture at which the Democratic Party finds itself. The upcoming months will be crucial in determining whether Biden can regain the confidence of his supporters and effectively counter the challenges posed by his opponents.


Jen Psaki's comments on President Biden's recent interview have shed light on the growing concerns within the Democratic Party regarding Biden's ability to serve. Despite improvements in his interview performance, doubts about his mental and cognitive health persist, as reflected in a CBS poll showing that 72% of voters harbor such concerns. Psaki's analysis emphasizes the urgency for Democrats to address these issues and decide on a path forward as the Democratic National Convention and the election approach. The coming months will be pivotal in determining the party's strategy and Biden's future in the race.

About Aileen Barro

With years of experience at the forefront of political commentary, Robert Cunningham brings a blend of sharp wit and deep insight to his analysis of American principles at the Capitalism Institute.

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