Poll Shows Mass Majority Of Americans Believe Biden Too Old For Second Term

 February 11, 2024

Age is more than just a number when it comes to presidential politics.

A recent ABC News/Ipsos poll indicates a significant majority of Americans harbor reservations about President Joe Biden's age and suitability for reelection, casting a shadow over discussions of not just his candidacy but also that of Donald Trump.

Concerns about the age and fitness for office of both major political figures, Donald Trump and President Joe Biden, have taken center stage, according to a new ABC News/Ipsos poll. While substantial attention focuses on President Biden, with 86% of respondents suggesting he is too old to pursue another term, Donald Trump similarly faces scrutiny, with 62% of surveyed Americans considering him too old to serve effectively as president.

The age debate underscores a broader concern regarding the physical and mental demands of the presidency, an issue that transcends partisan lines yet is deeply colored by them. A striking 73% of Democrats question Biden's suitability for office due to his age, a sentiment notably less prevalent among Republicans, of whom only 35% express similar concerns about Trump.

The figures are particularly alarming among independents: 91% view Biden as too old, with 71% applying the same assessment to Trump. This growing skepticism reflects an unease with the elder statesmanship dominating American political leadership, signaling a call for fresh perspectives.

Divergent Views on Legal and Policy Matters

The poll also ventured beyond age, exploring the public's perception of both figures' handling of classified documents—a matter of legal scrutiny and political controversy. Last week's report by Special Counsel Robert Hur intensified the discourse. It delved into Biden's handling of classified documents without recommending charges, prompting Vice President Kamala Harris to criticize the report as "politically motivated." Notably, the report contrasts sharply with Trump's ongoing legal battles, including four indictments, with one specifically related to the mishandling of classified information.

In his report, Hur outlined the distinctions between the two scenarios, pointing out that Trump reportedly declined to hand over the documents for several months despite numerous opportunities and obstructed justice by recruiting others to eliminate evidence and subsequently lie about it.

Rober Hur added:

In contrast, Mr. Biden turned in classified documents to the National Archives and the Department of Justice, consented to the search of multiple locations including his homes, sat for a voluntary interview and in other ways cooperated with the investigation.

This nuanced portrait of handling classified materials reflects a broader ambivalence toward political authority, with 38% of Americans believing Biden should have faced charges related to his handling of classified documents. The sentiment reflects a pervasive mistrust, further exacerbated by the belief among a majority that Trump also merits no immunity from prosecution for actions taken while president.

Partisan Divides in Trust and Policy Preferences

Additionally, the survey provided insights into Americans' trust in Biden and Trump concerning various policy domains. Issues such as immigration, crime, the economy, and inflation see a tilt in public confidence toward Trump, underscoring a dissatisfaction with the current administration's handling of these critical areas. Conversely, Biden garners more trust in his approach to abortion, health care, and climate change, areas where his policies have resonated more positively with the electorate.

This juxtaposition of trust and skepticism accentuates the depths of America's partisan divide, a chasm that extends to perceptions of congressional efficacy. The Senate's recent failure to advance a border aid bill encapsulates this deadlock, leaving the public divided on whom to blame for the stagnation in addressing illegal border crossings. The poll elucidates the complex landscape of American political sentiment, marked by disillusionment with leadership and conflicting priorities.


The ABC News/Ipsos poll illuminates the American electorate's multifaceted concerns as the nation moves closer to another presidential election. Age, fitness for office, legal controversies, and divergence on policy trust paint a picture of an electorate wrestling with profound questions about its leadership.

While the majority express concerns over Biden and Trump's suitability based on age, deeper divisions reveal a populace grappling with whom to trust on pivotal issues - from handling classified information to managing the economy and safeguarding the nation's borders. The poll's findings underscore the urgency for both parties to address these concerns, providing clear, cogent, and compelling reasons for Americans to endorse their candidates in the forthcoming election.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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