Pennsylvania Detects Thousands Of Suspect Voter Registrations

 October 26, 2024

A significant number of potentially fraudulent voter registrations have been uncovered in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.

Officials reported the discovery late last week, noting that the questionable applications might amount to thousands, The Western Journal reported.

In a recent revelation, District Attorney Heather Adams emphasized that during a pre-election check, Lancaster County election officials flagged about 2,500 voter registration forms.

These forms included dubious signatures and mismatching personal details, all submitted by a professional canvassing agency.

Adams stated that “the staff noticed numerous applications appeared to have the same handwriting, were filled out on the same day with unknown signatures, and some were previously registered voters with non-matching signatures on file.”

Election Fraud Indicators Identified

The fraudulent activities included inexact addresses and incorrect identification data. Some forms even had mismatched names and Social Security numbers.

In cases where investigators correctly matched application data to individuals, these individuals reported never requesting or submitting a registration form. This troubling finding highlights a significant breach in the registration process.

Broader Investigation and Verification Efforts

Further investigation is already underway in at least two other counties in Pennsylvania, though their names have not been disclosed by Adams.

The district attorney detailed that, "At this point, we have confirmed violation of our crimes code and our elections code."

She emphasized the gravity of the situation, noting that although the fraudulent registrations did not lean towards any specific political party, the presence of invalid voters could increase the chances of voter fraud. The situation has prompted an "all hands on deck" response from local law enforcement.

Adams explained, "We are all hands on deck so that we can properly assess the validity of these applications in a timely manner. If needed, we will request additional assistance from our local police departments."

The Pennsylvania Department of State has praised Lancaster County's election staff for their vigilance in detecting the potentially fraudulent activities. A statement expressed that the staff's alertness led to timely alerts to law enforcement, adhering perfectly to department guidelines.

In response to these events, Lancaster County Commissioner Alice Yoder reminded residents to verify their voter registration status via the Department of State website. She encouraged all locals, "And we encourage everyone to do that.”

Conservative activist Scott Presler, linked to voter registration efforts, asserted that his group, Early Vote Action, was not involved. He clarified on social media that his staff immediately submit completed registration forms and do not retain them afterward.

Community Reactions and Forward Actions

As these investigations continue, the community and officials alike remain on high alert, mitigating any further risk of voter fraud as the general election approaches. The collective goal across counties and party lines is to ensure a fair and fraud-free electoral process. This case serves as an essential reminder of the vigilance necessary to maintain the integrity of electoral systems.

About Emily Peters

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