Pelosi Stirs Up Resistance to ‘Rogue’ Supreme Court

 June 26, 2024

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is at it again.

On the second anniversary of the Dobbs decision that overturned Roe v. Wade, Pelosi launched yet another attack against our Supreme Court.

Talking Points…
- Roe v. Wade being overturned
- Pelosi attacks the court again
- Analysis

Roe V. Wade Overturned

When the Dobbs draft was leaked from the Supreme Court, liberals were up in arms. That draft outlined the overturning of Roe v. Wade, a precedent that had been in place since 1973 that was used to protect abortions. The only thing that shocked me about it was that it took so long to happen.

Now, I am no legal expert, so I have to lean on friends who are attorneys and legal experts who I respect. While I did not agree with Justice Ginsburg's ideology, there is no denying she was one of the more brilliant legal minds of our time. So, I took note when she stated more than a decade ago that Roe v. Wade was a flawed legal decision.

Ginsburg was doing a guest appearance at a law school when the subject of Roe v. Wade came up, and she was quite honest that she thought it was a flawed opinion in terms of protecting a woman's right to abortion. To that point, she stated:

"Roe isn't really about the woman's choice, is it?

"It's about the doctor's freedom to practice…it wasn't woman-centered, it was physician-centered."

And that is exactly why the decision was rightfully overturned, and abortion laws were turned back over to the states. Keep in mind, Democrats had 50 years to codify this, and they chose not to do it, which goes to my point that Democrats probably wanted this overturned as much as Republicans so they could use it as election fodder to drive voters to the polls. Liberals should really be asking why that decision was never codified, not why Republicans overturned it.

Ginsburg's other problem with the decision was that it stopped the progression dead in its tracks. She noted that legally speaking, she would have preferred a slow build of abortion rights that would have grown over time, preferably through the legislature, but Roe just brought everything to a grinding halt.

Pelosi Takes Shot at SCOTUS

Pelosi appeared on CNN on the second anniversary of the Dobbs decision, and she was asked if she still had confidence in the court. Pelosi responded:

"No, I think they've gone rogue. It's most unfortunate.

"But it's unfortunate further to see… what happened to the chief justice [John Roberts]? Did he go weak or did he go rogue? I don't know."

That statement is utterly ridiculous because even though this court has a 6-3 conservative edge, it is clearly balanced. We have seen conservative justices cross over numerous times, often at least two of them, handing Biden, Democrats, or liberals a big win when most conservatives thought they were on the right side of the law in a legal battle. We rarely see liberal justices return the favor.


This is a dangerous talk by a former Speaker, but it is only meant to get the Democrat base riled up during the election. Notice how quiet the Democrats are when the court has a decision that falls their way, and they have had plenty of wins over the last three years with all three of Trump's justices in place. For them, however, it is all or nothing. When they lose a single decision, regardless of how many wins they had before, they cry to the high heavens that the court has gone rogue and cannot be trusted.

I have been adamant about the fact that I believe this is the most balanced court we have had in decades. I don't always like the decisions. As a matter of fact, a decision that came down only moments ago has me perplexed and angry, but that does not mean that I will not respect the court's decision. And while I might be critical of a decision, I would never call the court rogue or suggest adding more justices to tilt the power. These are the greatest legal minds in this country, so how about we defer to their wisdom over our water cooler wisdom and stop the rhetoric against them?

About Jerry McConway

Jerry McConway is an independent political author and investigator who lives in Dallas, Texas. He has spent years building a strong following of readers who know that he will write what he believes is true, even if it means criticizing politicians his followers support. His readers have come to expect his integrity.

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