Ohio Secretary of State Refers 138 Non-Citizens For Voting Violations

 August 22, 2024

As reported by Fox News, Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose has referred 138 non-U.S. citizens found on registered voter rolls to the state attorney general for potential prosecution.

The audit, initiated by LaRose's office, has been ongoing for several months and has already resulted in the removal of hundreds of non-citizens from the state's voter registration earlier this year. The recent referral marks a significant step in addressing potential voter fraud and ensuring the integrity of Ohio's electoral process.

Audit Reveals Hundreds Of Non-Citizens Registered

LaRose's office has identified 597 individuals who were registered to vote in Ohio despite not being U.S. citizens. This number includes 148 cases from 2022, 117 from 2021, and 354 from 2019. The secretary of state emphasized the importance of maintaining accurate voter rolls and upholding the state's constitutional requirements for voting eligibility.

The audit process involves cross-checking voter registration data against records from various sources, including the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles, the Department of Homeland Security's Systematic Alien Verification for Entitlements database, and the Social Security Administration. This thorough approach aims to ensure the accuracy and legitimacy of the state's voter registration records.

LaRose stated:

I'm duty-bound to make sure people who haven't yet earned citizenship in this country do not vote in our elections. We've so far identified 597 individuals who've registered to vote in Ohio despite not being citizens of the United States, as our state constitution requires. The evidence includes 138 individuals who appear to have cast a ballot in an Ohio election during the time state and federal records show they lacked citizenship status. The law requires me to refer these individuals to the attorney general, and that's what we're doing today.

Extensive Voter Roll Cleanup Underway

In addition to addressing non-citizen registrations, LaRose's audit has also resulted in the removal of approximately 155,000 voter registrations.

These registrations were confirmed to be abandoned and inactive for at least four consecutive years, further contributing to the cleanup of Ohio's voter rolls.

The ongoing audit is part of a larger effort to maintain the accuracy and integrity of the state's electoral system. By utilizing various data sources and conducting thorough cross-checks, the secretary of state's office aims to identify and address potential irregularities in voter registration.

LaRose has emphasized his commitment to upholding the state constitution and ensuring that only eligible citizens participate in Ohio's elections. He views this process as a necessary step in maintaining the integrity of the voting system and fulfilling his sworn duty as secretary of state.

Implications For Future Elections

As Ohio is considered a key swing state in national elections, the accuracy of its voter rolls is of particular importance. The identification and potential prosecution of non-citizens who have voted illegally could have significant implications for future electoral contests in the state.

The secretary of state's office has stated that it will continue its efforts to maintain accurate voter rolls and address any irregularities that are discovered. This ongoing process is expected to play a crucial role in ensuring the legitimacy and fairness of upcoming elections in Ohio.

LaRose has expressed his commitment to welcoming newly naturalized citizens to participate in the electoral process once they have obtained citizenship. However, he remains firm in his stance on removing ineligible registrations to prevent illegal voting and uphold the state's constitutional requirements.


The Ohio Secretary of State's office has referred 138 non-U.S. citizens who were found on voter rolls to the state attorney general for potential prosecution. This action is part of a larger audit that has identified 597 non-citizens registered to vote in Ohio. The audit has also resulted in the removal of 155,000 inactive voter registrations. These efforts aim to maintain the accuracy and integrity of Ohio's voter rolls, ensuring that only eligible citizens participate in the state's elections.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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