North Carolina Court Rules To Drop RFK Jr. From Ballot, Aids Trump Campaign

 September 12, 2024

A recent court decision in North Carolina has ordered the removal of Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s name from the presidential ballot, potentially giving Donald Trump an advantage in this crucial swing state.

According to Newsweek, the ruling came after Kennedy dropped out of the race on August 23 and endorsed Trump, raising concerns about potential voter confusion.

The North Carolina Supreme Court's 4-3 decision overturned a lower court's ruling, with Justice Trey Allen writing the majority opinion. The court emphasized the risk of disenfranchising voters who might mistakenly believe Kennedy was still a candidate if his name remained on the ballot.

Court Cites Voter Disenfranchisement Concerns

In the court's written ruling, Justice Trey Allen stated, "If plaintiff's name appears on the ballot, it could disenfranchise countless voters who mistakenly believe that plaintiff remains a candidate for office."

The court criticized the lower court for not adequately considering this factor in its initial decision. Instead, the lower court focused on the minimal harm to Kennedy himself and the resources required by the state to create an accurate ballot.

Allen further noted that any difficulties faced by the state's board of electors in changing the ballots were largely self-inflicted. He pointed out that they continued printing ballots with Kennedy's name despite being aware of his intention to withdraw for nearly a week.

Ballot Destruction And Certification Process

The court's ruling includes specific instructions for handling the situation. Justice Allen ordered:

All previously printed ballots listing Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.'s name should be destroyed, and the director of the State Board of Elections and the director of each county Board of Elections should be required to certify destruction of these invalid ballots to maintain public confidence in the upcoming election.

This directive aims to ensure the integrity of the upcoming election and prevent any potential confusion among voters. The certification process is intended to bolster public confidence in the electoral system.

Dissenting Opinion And Logistical Challenges

Justice Anita Earls, in her dissenting opinion, highlighted the practical difficulties of implementing the court's decision so close to the election. She emphasized the complexity of the ballot system in North Carolina:

If this case seems like much ado about nothing, it bears considering that 2,348 different ballot styles are in use in this state for this election. That figure reflects all of the contests and referendums on which voters in North Carolina's 100 counties have a say in November, from contests for the office of U.S. president to the local soil and water conservation district supervisor, and everything in between. More than 2,910,000 general election ballots have already been printed to facilitate our sacred exercise of the franchise.

Earls' statement underscores the logistical challenges faced by election officials in implementing the court's decision, given the scale and diversity of ballot styles across the state.

Potential Impact On Election Outcome

The removal of Kennedy's name from the North Carolina ballot could have significant implications for the presidential race in this swing state. Current polling averages from RealClearPolling show Trump with a narrow 0.1-point lead over Kamala Harris in a two-candidate race. However, when other candidates are included, Harris leads by 0.4 points, illustrating the potential impact of minor candidates on the overall outcome.

This decision in North Carolina contrasts with a ruling made on the same day by the Michigan Supreme Court, which decided to keep Kennedy's name on their state's ballot despite his objections. Kennedy stated his intention to remove his name from ballots in states where his absence could improve Trump's chances of victory, and he filed a similar lawsuit in Wisconsin.


The North Carolina court's decision to remove Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s name from the presidential ballot aims to prevent voter confusion and potential disenfranchisement. This ruling overturns a lower court's decision and orders the destruction of previously printed ballots containing Kennedy's name. The court's action could potentially benefit Donald Trump in this swing state, where polls show a tight race. Meanwhile, Kennedy continued his efforts to remove his name from ballots in other states where it might impact Trump's electoral chances.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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