NFL Endorsement of Harris is Counterfeit

 September 3, 2024

Anyone who has been walking around the streets of Philadelphia lately may have noticed some street signs touting the Philadelphia Eagles' endorsement of Kamala Harris for president.

Well, it turns out that endorsement was forged.

Talking Points…
- Endorsement of Harris a fake
- Harris polls turning the wrong way
- Analysis

Endorsement of Harris is a Fake

Social media was abuzz when an NFL team dared endorse a political candidate in the upcoming presidential election. Multiple posts showed posters put up at bus stops throughout Philadelphia showing the Eagles had endorsed Kamala Harris for president. But there was one problem… the Eagles never endorsed Harris.

After the reports started to surface, the Eagles put out a statement denying the endorsement as well as working with local officials to take down the posters. The statement from the Eagles read:

"We are aware counterfeit political ads are being circulated and are working with our advertising partner to have them removed."

CBS News reported that street artist Winston Tseng created the posters. In an interview with Street Art News, the artist openly stated that he often does this to address popular issues, saying that he likes to:

"Use brands and advertising to communicate societal issues, hopefully bringing some unexpected attention to them in our daily lives."

Kamala Harris Polling Making a Bad Turn

As I have stated before, the more people see Harris, the more they dislike her. During the 2020 primary race, Harris went from the favorite to an afterthought after the debate, where she got crushed by Tulsi Gabbard and all but accused Joe Biden of being a racist.

This time, after Harris was gifted the nomination by the Democrat Party, a nomination she never earned but was instead handed, she flipped polling that had Joe Biden being dominated by Trump. Since then, she has steadily drifted back, not even getting the usual bump from her convention. While Harris still has a lead in most battleground states in the national average, more recent polling has these races as a coin-flip, all trending in the direction of Donald Trump.

Not only that, but in some of the blue states where Democrats were dominating, such as New Hampshire and Minnesota, Trump has the lead down to under five points, putting them back in play. So much so that Harris had to pivot her campaign schedule to include these states as well as the key Blue Wall states of Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.


As far as the street artist is concerned, his little stunt may hurt Harris more than help her. Think about it… now, the Eagles have had to come out to say they are not endorsing Harris, which could get a lot of people asking questions. And to be clear, most sports franchises stay out of political races to avoid offending fans, but Tseng has not thrust the Eagles right into this messy argument.

In terms of polling, Harris is in big trouble right now. Yes, she still has the lead, but she is definitely trending in the wrong direction. You can hear the panic in the voices of party officials and surrogates, knowing that the September 10 debate with Trump, if it does not go well, could send Harris packing the way the first debate sent Biden packing. Stay tuned, folks, because that debate could completely upend this race.

About Jerry McConway

Jerry McConway is an independent political author and investigator who lives in Dallas, Texas. He has spent years building a strong following of readers who know that he will write what he believes is true, even if it means criticizing politicians his followers support. His readers have come to expect his integrity.

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