New York Case Against Trump Is Built on Cohen's Shaky Testimony

 May 14, 2024

Michael Cohen’s credibility is again under scrutiny as he testifies in a trial where former President Donald Trump faces undisclosed financial allegation charges.

Former Trump attorney Michael Cohen, whose credibility is often questioned due to previous falsehoods, claims he is now truthful in his testimonies. His assertions are crucial as they could impact the strength of DA Bragg's case against Trump.

Fox News reported that Cohen, previously convicted for lying under oath, claims to have orchestrated payments to individuals like Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal, writing these off as “legal expenses.” These payments were meant to suppress damaging narratives during the presidential campaign.

Recordings and Revelations: Cohen's Dubious Tactics

The court heard secret recordings by Cohen, which capture discussions about these payments. In these tapes, Trump's knowledge appears vague and noncommittal. This has sparked discussion regarding the extent of Trump's involvement and awareness of the specifics of the transactions Cohen described.

According to sources, Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has faced criticism for his insistence on using Cohen’s questionable testimony as the basis for pursuing charges against Trump. Detractors argue that the case is less about justice and more about political maneuvers.

Critics argue that Cohen's motivations are tainted, influenced by personal vendettas and a desire for financial gain through increased media presence. These factors, they assert, could compromise the integrity of his testimony.

Legal and Ethical Controversies Surround DA Bragg

Many observers question the ethical implications of Bragg’s decision to prosecute based on Cohen’s accounts, particularly when earlier, the FEC and the DOJ found no criminal violations related to Trump’s campaign financing. This points to a disconnect between federal and local judicial interpretations.

This has also raised concerns about the appropriateness of pursuing this case in a court that normally does not handle such federal-level campaign finance issues. Critics contend that the case should fall under federal jurisdiction.

Defense arguments posit that Trump's financial involvement was with personal funds, not campaign resources, further complicating the prosecution’s stance that these were campaign finance violations.

Jay Town remarked on the scenario surrounding Cohen's involvement, highlighting the problematic nature of relying on such a witness. He said, “'Mr. Fixit' isn't fixing the problems with Alvin Bragg's case against Trump.”

Trump's Strong Reaction to Legal Challenges

Bradley Smith also criticized the foundation of the case, stating, 'The ‘crime’ that Mr. Bragg claims is being covered up isn’t a crime at all.' This sentiment aligns with those who view the charges as politically motivated rather than legally grounded.

In response to the ongoing trial, Donald Trump has voiced his dissent, expressing concern over the proceedings and their implications for democratic practices. “This is a terrible thing that is happening to our democracy,” he stated. He further criticized the case as emblematic of "the worst kind of government corruption: Unscrupulous, dishonest, and amoral.”

In conclusion, Michael Cohen's testimony in the trial against former President Donald Trump is being heavily scrutinized due to his past of lying under oath, yet it remains central to the allegations concerning undisclosed financial activities. The credibility of Cohen is crucial as it could significantly influence the outcome of the case pursued by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg amid criticisms that the trial is more politically motivated than based on justice.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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