MTG Threatens To Oust Speaker Mike Johnson

 January 13, 2024

Political tensions are rising in Washington as Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) openly challenges the leadership of Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA).

At the heart of the conflict is a controversial budget deal involving Ukraine aid and border security, creating a rift within the Republican Party.

The contentious budget deal, crafted by Speaker Johnson in collaboration with Senate Majority Leader Schumer and President Biden, has been a point of contention among conservatives. It includes a substantial $60 billion aid package to Ukraine but fails to address the increased border security measures long sought by conservatives.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a prominent voice in the conservative House Freedom Caucus, has opposed this deal. In a recent appearance on Steve Bannon's show, she expressed her discontent and hinted at drastic measures.

After expressing her concerns publicly, Greene confronted Speaker Johnson. During their meeting, she firmly stated that the Speaker must either modify the budget to align with conservative demands or risk being ousted from his position.

Internal Struggle Within the GOP

Despite the escalating threats, Speaker Mike Johnson remains firm in his commitment to the budget deal. He has publicly stated his intention to proceed with the agreed-upon appropriations process.

This internal struggle within the Republican Party is not without its detractors. Rep. Bob Good, chairman of the Freedom Caucus, has expressed his opinion on the matter, calling the idea of ousting Johnson over this budget disagreement "ridiculous."

Greene's bold statements have highlighted the power struggle within the GOP, underscoring the division between traditional conservatives and the party's more hardline factions.

A Balancing Act for Republicans

The budget deal, as it stands, represents a balancing act for Republicans, attempting to navigate between bipartisan agreements and the demands of their conservative base.

The omission of increased border security measures from the budget has particularly incensed those who view this issue as critical to national security and party principles.

In her meeting with Speaker Johnson, Greene didn't mince words regarding the importance of these issues to her and her conservative colleagues.

In her own words, she emphasized the significance of border security and the unacceptability of prioritizing foreign aid over national issues.

In my meeting with him yesterday and many other members of Congress, I let Speaker Johnson know that in no way, shape and form will I support any type of CR [continuing resolution]. We aren’t continuing Nancy’s budget, Nancy Pelosi’s budget, and that if he moves forward with a separate deal, trading our border security, weakening H.R. 2 in exchange for $60 billion to Ukraine. I told him yesterday in his office that I would vacate the chair, that that is absolutely unacceptable.

Divisions and Decisions Ahead

As the situation unfolds, the GOP faces a critical decision: whether to stand behind their Speaker or yield to the demands of the party's more vociferous conservative wing.

This episode not only tests the leadership of Speaker Johnson but also reflects the broader ideological divisions within the Republican Party.

The outcome of this confrontation could set a precedent for future party negotiations and leadership challenges.


The Republican Party is at a crossroads, with the budget deal controversy highlighting the deep ideological divides within its ranks. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's open challenge to Speaker Mike Johnson's leadership over this issue underscores the tension between party unity and individual convictions. As this political drama unfolds, the decisions made in the coming days could have lasting implications for the party's direction and cohesion.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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