Minnesota Teachers' Pension Fund Undergoes Financial Scrutiny

 August 11, 2024

Amidst a growing political campaign, a fresh wave of scrutiny hits the Minnesota Teachers Retirement Association (TRA).

According to Fox News, a pension investigator claims the fund under Gov. Tim Walz's leadership displayed financial irregularities, highlighting concerns over investment returns and fees.

Edward Siedle, a well-regarded pension investigator, has raised alarming accusations against the TRA, suggesting a pattern of financial misreporting. He asserts that the fund reported unrealistically consistent and high investment returns, which appear implausible and misrepresented the actual fees paid to investment managers. According to Siedle, the TRA disclosed fees less than 10% of the real amount, totaling around $2.9 billion over the past decade.

Whistleblower Actions Reveal Deep Concerns

Siedle's observations led him to take official action. After he claimed efforts to obtain investment documents were thwarted by TRA and state agencies, he lodged whistleblower complaints with both the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).

He likened the TRA’s alleged financial behavior to those of Bernie Madoff. The investigator criticized the almost mechanically precise positive returns reported by the TRA, calling them statistically unlikely.

"Even [Bernie] Madoff didn’t claim to beat the market every single year — and certainly not by the same percentage," said Edward Siedle regarding the purported discrepancies in TRA's reporting.

Questions Arise Around Governor’s Oversight

As chairman of the Minnesota State Retirement System, Gov. Tim Walz oversees a massive fund approximately worth $140 billion which includes $28.2 billion earmarked specifically for teachers. Siedle pointed out potential gaps in Walz's financial literacy and suggested that the governor may have failed to fulfill his fiduciary duties effectively.

"I don’t know if the man had any pre-existing knowledge of finance or pensions, but as chairman, he should have educated himself. Pension board members have a fiduciary duty to monitor fees, and to ensure that the investments’ performance is accurately disclosed," remarked Edward Siedle.

Meanwhile, Katie Dickerson, a teacher, shared her challenges with TRA’s policies at a testimony before Minnesota’s Legislative Commission on Pensions and Retirement. She highlighted the high contribution rates and severe penalties for early retirement, which significantly affect teachers like her.


In fiscal year 2023, the TRA reported an annual return of 8.9% and disclosed $24.19 million in management fees, figures that Siedle believes do not represent the true picture. As the allegations become public, Tim Walz concurrently serves as the running mate for Vice President Kamala Harris. However, the Harris-Walz campaign has not issued any statements regarding the controversy. This silence adds a layer of complexity to the ongoing political narratives as the accusations involve significant taxpayer-funded assets.

"Not only do we have a high contribution rate to TRA, but we are forced to work many more years unless we are willing to be hit with huge penalties," Katie Dickerson explained about the predicament facing many educators.

The whistleblowing action by Siedle opens up several challenging questions for the TRA, as the agency is compelled to address the purported discrepancies brought to light. With significant assets at stake and the looming political landscape as a backdrop, the outcomes of these accusations may have far-reaching consequences.

This controversy illuminates persistent concerns regarding transparency and management within large pension funds. Stakeholders, especially teachers who rely on these funds for their retirement, will be watching closely as further details emerge and responses are formulated.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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