Mike Johnson Swiftly Blocks FISA Reauthorization Clause In Defense Bill

 December 5, 2023

In a significant turn of events, Speaker Mike Johnson has decided against including a temporary reauthorization of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This move has opened the floor for potential reforms to government surveillance laws.

By tabling the extension of the FISA Section 702 authority in the NDAA defense spending bill, Speaker Johnson has signaled a shift in the congressional approach towards government surveillance.

Section 702 of the FISA allows for warrantless surveillance of Americans' data by the government, a provision that has raised concerns across the political spectrum. The decision to exclude this section from the NDAA comes amid increasing bipartisan scrutiny over privacy and civil liberties.

Widespread Opposition Leads to Crucial Decision

The move to table the FISA extension faced stiff opposition from both sides of the aisle, including 54 House lawmakers and Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan. This collective pushback played a crucial role in Johnson's decision-making process.

Rep. Warren Davidson hailed the decision as a "victory" against warrantless surveillance, commending Speaker Johnson for not yielding to pressures from various quarters, including the Biden administration and intelligence agencies. Davidson's perspective highlights the growing concern among legislators over the extent of government surveillance.

Earlier, there was ambiguity around Johnson's stance, as his office refrained from confirming any definitive position on the FISA reauthorization to Breitbart News. This added an element of unpredictability to the unfolding scenario.

Opening Doors for Reform and Debate

Johnson has now stated that he will allow votes on competing FISA reform bills on the House floor, setting the stage for a robust debate on the future of government surveillance practices. This marks a significant shift from the usual legislative procedures concerning such sensitive matters.

Senator Ron Wyden, a known advocate for privacy rights, has also expressed opposition to a mere extension of Section 702 authority. Wyden's stance echoes a growing sentiment in Congress for a more balanced approach to national security and individual privacy.

Without the extension, Congress is now poised to debate the merits of reforming the surveillance law. This development is seen as a critical opportunity to address long-standing concerns about privacy and government overreach.

Reform Bill Proposes Significant Changes

One of the reform bills under consideration would require warrants for searches of Americans' information under Section 702. This provision aims to strengthen the privacy safeguards for citizens.

The bill also proposes prohibiting agencies from buying private data from brokers without warrants, addressing another controversial aspect of modern surveillance practices. This would be a substantial change to the current status quo, where agencies have more latitude in accessing private data.

Additionally, the bill aims to limit FBI agents' powers to search under Section 702 and sets penalties for violations. These measures are indicative of a broader effort to rein in government surveillance and protect individual liberties.

Privacy Advocates Rally Behind Legislation

Privacy groups such as Americans for Prosperity (AFP), FreedomWorks, and Demand Progress have thrown their support behind the legislation. This backing from prominent privacy advocates adds weight to the push for reform.

Chairman Biggs, highlighting the urgency of the situation, emphasized the staggering number of times the FBI has misused FISA to spy on citizens, underscoring the need for stringent reforms. He stated:

"America’s intelligence community continues to conduct a warrantless, mass surveillance campaign on innocent citizens. In 2021 alone, the FBI misused FISA 278,000 times to spy on American citizens – including a U.S. congressman and political donors. Our civil liberties are at stake. Without serious reforms to FISA 702, our Fourth Amendment rights will be all but gone. My legislation addresses numerous loopholes in federal law to end this unconstitutional practice and to ensure rogue agents are held accountable. I am grateful for the bipartisan, bicameral effort to overhaul the FISA 702 spying authority. I call on my colleagues to pass this legislation into law."

Timeline of Events and Upcoming Debates

The timeline of events leading up to this decision began with increasing bipartisan opposition to adding Section 702 to the NDAA in previous days. Speaker Johnson's office initially refused to confirm its stance to Breitbart, adding to the uncertainty.

However, the developments on Tuesday marked a turning point. Speaker Johnson tabled the move to extend Section 702 authority in the NDAA bill, declared his intention to allow a vote between competing FISA reform bills, and was followed by Senator Wyden speaking against a simple extension of Section 702.

In the upcoming days and weeks, Congress is expected to engage in debates over reform bills like the Protect Liberty Act, a crucial phase in determining the future landscape of government surveillance in the United States.


  • Speaker Mike Johnson tabled a move to extend FISA Section 702 authority in the NDAA bill.
  • Johnson's decision opens the door for debates on FISA reforms, including warrant requirements for government surveillance.
  • Bipartisan opposition to warrantless surveillance influenced the decision.
  • Privacy groups and legislators like Sen. Ron Wyden support the reform efforts.
  • Upcoming congressional debates focus on bills like the Protect Liberty Act.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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