Migrants Attempt Boarding on California School Buses: Officials Report

 August 29, 2024

A group of approximately 20 migrants caused concern among students and parents in a California school district near the Mexico border when they attempted to enter a school bus on Wednesday morning.

According to the New York Post, this incident and a similar occurrence the previous day have prompted the Jamul-Dulzura Union School District to take precautionary measures to ensure student safety.

The first incident occurred on Tuesday when at least three migrants were observed walking in the middle of Highway 94, attempting to stop a school bus.

The following day, a larger group of about 20 migrants tried to board a bus at a stop just off the highway as students were being picked up for school. These events have left parents and school officials deeply concerned about the safety of the children and the potential risks posed by such encounters.

District's Response To The Incidents

In response to these alarming situations, Superintendent Liz Bystedt has taken swift action to protect students. She has instructed all bus drivers to bypass stops where migrants are present, prioritizing the safety of the children on board. Parents have been advised to remain vigilant and follow the bus to the next stop if their regular pickup location is skipped.

The school district has not taken these incidents lightly. They have reported the occurrences to multiple law enforcement agencies, including the California Highway Patrol, San Diego County Sheriff's Department, and U.S. Border Patrol. This multi-agency approach demonstrates the seriousness with which the district is treating the situation.

To further ensure student safety, the district's director of maintenance and operations has been tasked with following buses along their routes. This additional measure aims to provide an extra layer of security and monitor for any potential issues that may arise during transit.

Parental Concerns And Reactions

The incidents have understandably caused significant distress among parents whose children use the school bus service. Nicole Cardinale, mother of an 8-year-old boy who was on the bus during Wednesday's incident, shared her son's experience and her own concerns.

Cardinale stated:

It was definitely really scary. Your initial shock is you're helpless. He said these adults — they weren't kids — had backpacks on and they were trying to get on our bus … He said there was a lot of them. It's just scary that these kids were put in that situation. If those 20 people would have gotten onto the bus and tried to take over the bus, these kids and the bus driver could have been in real danger.

This sentiment echoes the fears of many parents in the district who are now grappling with concerns about their children's safety during what should be a routine trip to and from school.

Law Enforcement And Political Response

The San Diego County Sheriff's Department has acknowledged the seriousness of the situation and is actively investigating the incidents. Spokesperson Kimberly King emphasized that the department takes issues regarding student safety very seriously and is working closely with the school district to maintain the safety of students and the community.

The events have also caught the attention of local politicians. Rep. Darrell Issa, who represents the district, expressed his outrage on social media platform X, stating, "Illegals are now trying to force their way onto our kids' school buses." This statement reflects the growing concern among officials about the potential risks associated with unauthorized border crossings in the area.

In conclusion, the attempted boarding of a school bus by migrants in California has raised significant safety concerns among parents, school officials, and law enforcement. The Jamul-Dulzura Union School District has implemented new safety measures, including skipping bus stops where migrants are present. Multiple law enforcement agencies are investigating the incidents, while local politicians have voiced their concerns. The situation continues to be closely monitored to ensure the safety of students in the affected area.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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