Melania Trump Announces Death Of Her Mother

 January 10, 2024

A solemn note touches America today.

Melania Trump, former First Lady of the United States, has announced the death of her beloved mother, Amalija Knavs.

Amalija Knavs was 78 years old at the time of her passing—a detail that has resonated throughout the nation as people reflect on her life and legacy. The announcement came from her daughter, Melania, through a heartfelt post on the social media platform X. Melania's words painted a picture of her mother's enduring strength and the immense void her departure has left in the family.

A Family's Matriarch Remembered

Melania Trump expressed her grief with poignancy, describing Amalija Knavs's character as one marked by "grace, warmth, and dignity." The former First Lady's tribute spoke to her mother's profound influence on those who knew her. It's a sentiment echoed by many who share their condolences and sympathy for the Trump family during this difficult time.

Amalija Knavs's journey to the United States from Slovenia is a story of determination and familial support. Along with her husband Viktor, she embarked on a years-long immigration process, culminating in their acquisition of U.S. citizenship in 2018. This milestone occurred during the presidency of her son-in-law, Donald Trump, a period marked by heated debates on immigration policy.

Their path to citizenship, facilitated through sponsorship by their adult daughter, Melania, is commonly referred to as "chain migration" or family reunification—a process that has been a topic of extensive political discussion. Melania Trump's foreign-born status as a presidential spouse, a rarity since the time of Louisa Adams, adds a personal dimension to these broader policy conversations.

Reflections on a Life's Journey

Amalija Knavs's life was characterized by hard work and dedication, evidenced by her employment at the Slovenian textile factory, Jutranjka. In this setting, Melania began her early modeling career, an experience that no doubt left a lasting impact on her trajectory to becoming a public figure. Viktor Knavs, Amalija's husband, was known for his entrepreneurial ventures, establishing the family's grounding in personal initiative and enterprise.

Former President Donald Trump took to his Truth Social media platform to share his own reflections on the loss of Amalija. He praised her as an "incredible woman" whose memory will be cherished far beyond what words can convey.

Donald Trump's immigration policies as president advocated for stringent measures, including a proposed wall on the southern border and restrictions on immigration and visa programs. However, the passing of Amalija Knavs brings a human element to these discussions, as the nation observes a family navigating the personal dimensions of policies often debated on the national stage.

Embracing a Legacy of Strength

The announcement shared by Melania Trump on social media not only conveyed the sadness of her loss but also celebrated the strength and character of her mother. The cause of Amalija Knavs's death was not disclosed, leaving the focus on her life and the memories she left behind.

Melania's statement is a testament to the enduring love and respect for her mother:

It is with deep sadness that I announce the passing of my beloved mother. Amalija Knavs was a strong woman who always carried herself with grace, warmth, and dignity. We will miss her beyond measure and continue to honor and love her legacy.

Amalija's influence is also remembered through her work at the textile factory, which not only housed her livelihood but also served as a backdrop to the beginnings of Melania's eventual international career.


The death of Amalija Knavs has been announced by her daughter, former First Lady Melania Trump, in a message that has touched the hearts of many across the United States and beyond.

Amalija, who immigrated to the U.S. with her husband and became a citizen during her son-in-law's presidency, is remembered for her strength, grace, and the warmth she brought into the lives of those around her. Her life story intersects with key aspects of American policy and discourse, from immigration to the unique position held by Melania Trump as a foreign-born First Lady.

As the Trump family mourns, the nation reflects on the complexities and personal stories behind its policies on immigration and family reunification.

About Aileen Barro

With years of experience at the forefront of political commentary, Robert Cunningham brings a blend of sharp wit and deep insight to his analysis of American principles at the Capitalism Institute.

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