Leaked Video from Biden Staffers Shows How They Blocked Biden Mental Decline News

 August 9, 2024

We all know that Joe Biden has had a mental decline since taking office, but Democrats have been openly denying that is the case.

However, a bombshell video has just been leaked that proves they not only knew but were complicit in the coverup.

Talking Points…
- The Biden decline
- Video leak shows Dems knew
- Analysis

The Biden Decline

Everyone knew something was up when Joe Biden would not come out of his basement during the 2020 election cycle. COVID was the excuse, but it was apparent that whenever Biden had a busy schedule, he started having some issues. But the real problems started after Biden took office, and he could no longer hide.

Biden was only in office for a few months when he started taking long weekends in Delaware, entirely out of the media's site, which raised many eyebrows. Then, when Biden took overseas trips that demanded he have a longer schedule, we really started to see the problems. All the while, the Democrats denied this was an issue. Then the mental gaffes started, and they continued to steamroll into the debate, which is when Democrats say they first noticed Biden's decline, which is obviously a lie.

They Covered It Up

You would have to be a complete imbecile to say you only saw a decline in Biden's mental health after the debate, but that is the narrative that Dems wanted to push. I have always called this out as a blatant lie, and it turns out I was right, as leaked video from Democrat meetings now shows. They not only knew, but they had also developed a program to help them identify posts on social media and cut them off as disinformation, and this dates back to the 2020 presidential campaign.

Former Biden-Harris campaign Digital Director Rob Flaherty, who is now Harris' Deputy Campaign Manager, revealed during a February Zoom call that the Democrat National Committee (DNC) had developed programming to a program to detect, track, and have social media platforms flag "misinformation narratives," including online discussion about Biden's mental fitness for public office. Journalist Matt Orfalea blew the lid off this story on Wednesday with a series of posts on X.

This programming tracked every narrative that Democrats perceived as misinformation, including stories about Biden's mental decline. They would then report those stories to the platforms and pressure them to remove the posts. Below, you will see a video of Flaherty trying to spin during a congressional hearing, but the video below shows exactly what they were doing with this programming…

This "1984" style monitoring went far beyond just censoring posts, however. Then-Biden for President's Director of Rapid Response, Rebecca Rinkevich, outlines real-time censorship and the monitoring of social media accounts. During one call, she stated they were looking for "online behavioral cues, building out personas based on the kind of content they were consuming, what they were searching, [and] the kinds of websites they were visiting."

Due to the monitoring of accounts, they were able to lessen voters' concerns over Biden's mental acuity, even putting a number on the number of votes, 200,000, that Biden was able to gain in battleground states due to this programming. Rinkevich stated:

"The risk and the hit concern around mental acuity in particular went down by eight points over the course of our campaign."


In retrospect, we now know how negative news like the Hunter Biden laptop story was blocked on social media platforms. And while that is concerning, the truly bothersome aspect of all this is that Democrats clearly knew that Biden was not mentally fit for office in 2020, but they covered it up through censorship. They can say that these platforms had a choice in what they censored, but there is simply no way sites like Facebook and X are going to ignore a request from the White House.

Facebook, Instagram, X, etc., are no longer free speech platforms but monitored outlets where the government decides what can be and what cannot be seen based on what it deems to be truthful, disinformation, or misinformation. This, my friends, is state-run media; it is communism, and it goes against everything our Framers and Founding Fathers had in mind when they shed blood to gain our independence from the Crown. This was all done by Democrats… so please tell me again who the real threat to democracy is in this country. (I highly encourage you to click on that X post and read the full thread by Orfalea to see the brazenness of Democrats and how they are dictating what we can and cannot see on social media outlets).

About Jerry McConway

Jerry McConway is an independent political author and investigator who lives in Dallas, Texas. He has spent years building a strong following of readers who know that he will write what he believes is true, even if it means criticizing politicians his followers support. His readers have come to expect his integrity.

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