Latino Support for Trump Linked to 'Internalized Racism,' Says Journalist

 October 6, 2024

The rise in Latino support for the Republican Party has sparked notable political discourse.

Journalist Paola Ramos attributes this shift to internalized racism and other complex factors in her recent analyses, Fox News reported.

Paola Ramos, an MSNBC contributor, has voiced concerns over Latinos increasingly backing the GOP, particularly former President Donald Trump. Appearing on PBS' "Amanpour & Company," she discussed insights from her latest book titled "Defectors: The Rise of the Latino Far Right and What It Means."

Ramos argues that a blend of internalized racism, fueled by the historical colonization of Latin America, influences Latino voters in the U.S. today.

Exploring the Roots of Political Alignment Changes

Ramos explores how the scars of colonization could lead to embracing political ideologies that align with those historically imposed by colonizers.

"Understanding the sort of racial baggage that I believe a lot of Latinos, including myself, and a lot of us are carrying from Latin America," Ramos explains, "What it means to sort of been colonized for so many years, the weight of colonization, that, in of itself, I believe, creates a lot of internalized racism, a lot of colorism, that then manifests in American politics in so many ways."

Additionally, cultural aspects such as traditionalism and a history of strongman rulers in Latin America contribute to the admiration some Latinos may have for Trump's assertive style.

Shifts in Voter Preferences and Political Impact

The commitment of Latinos to the Republican Party appears to be strengthening, especially in areas like economic management and immigration policies, where Trump's views now have increasing Latino support over those of Vice President Kamala Harris. Recent NBC News polling data suggests a diminished loyalty to the Democratic Party among Latino voters, recording the lowest Democratic edge in four presidential cycles. Similarly, a Fox News poll shows Harris leading among registered Hispanic voters, but only by 12 points.

Paola Ramos' observations were further echoed by journalist Maria Hinojosa. In a discussion on MSNBC, Hinojosa suggested that the underlying motivation for some Latinos shifting Republican might be an aspiration to assimilate more with mainstream, historically predominantly white norms. "And what I said to you when we asked a question was, Latinos want to be White. They want to be with the cool kids," said Hinojosa.

Recent events have brought this conversation to the forefront. Notably, a Trump rally took place on May 23, 2024, in New York City's South Bronx, a traditionally Democratic stronghold. This event emphasizes Trump's aggressive outreach efforts in areas not traditionally aligned with his party.

The Cultural Influence on Political Leanings

The transition among Latino voters carries substantial implications for upcoming elections, posing a potential challenge for Democratic candidates like Vice President Harris.

According to Hinojosa, the shift "could cost Kamala Harris the election. Everything that I’ve been saying that Latinos could push her over the top, these are the numbers that could also take her down."

In summary, the rising support among Latinos for Donald Trump and the Republican Party involves complex socio-political dynamics. Factors like internalized racism, influenced by colonial history, and the appeal of traditional values are reshaping Latino political affiliations in the United States. This trend emphasizes the evolving landscape of American politics and signals pivotal shifts that could influence future electoral outcomes.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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