Latest Poll Spells Disaster For ‘The Squad’ As Cori Bush Is Being Pushed Out By Dem Challenger

 February 13, 2024

The political arena is seldom free of surprises, especially as election seasons heat up.

A recent survey signals a considerable hurdle for Representative Cori Bush in her quest for re-election, putting her significantly behind her Democratic challenger, Wesley Bell, among likely primary voters.

The Remington Research Group/Missouri Scout's findings expose an unexpected twist in Missouri's political narrative, where Bush, despite her incumbent status, faces a steep climb to secure her party's nomination for another term in Congress.

Representative Cori Bush, serving Missouri's voters, finds herself embroiled in controversies that have seemingly affected her standing. Allegations of financial mishandling and a contentious voting record mar her campaign. Amid these challenges, the statistics from the recent survey draw immediate attention.

Wesley Bell has secured the support of 50% of Democratic primary voters, while Cori Bush trails with only 28%, highlighting the significant challenge she faces.

The details behind these figures are as telling as the numbers themselves. The survey, conducted among 401 likely Democrat primary voters between February 7th and 9th, 2024, reveals a margin of error of ±4.9 percent. Yet, even within this margin, Bush's struggle is evident. Notably, the survey did not highlight her as the incumbent, which might have influenced her recognition among respondents.

The Challenges Behind Cori Bush's Campaign

In politics, demographics play a crucial role, and for Cori Bush, the demographic breakdown of the survey paints a grim picture. Among black respondents, Bush trails Bell 43-35 percent. The gap widens among white respondents, with Bell leading 60-20 percent. These numbers reflect the overall challenge Bush faces and underscore the varied support within the Democratic electorate.

Adding to Bush's woes are the allegations of misuse of private security funds, casting a shadow over her financial integrity. According to revelations, Bush's campaign dispensed additional payments totaling $17,500 to her husband, Cortney Merritts, for security services. This brought the total paid to him since January 2022 to $120,000.

Before detailing Bush's controversial voting record, it is worth highlighting her stance on a specific legislative piece. Bush, along with Representative Rashida Tlaib, faced criticism for voting against the "No Immigration Benefits for Hamas Terrorists Act." This bill aimed to bar Palestinians involved in the Hamas terrorist attack on October 7, 2023, from entering the U.S., showcasing a divisive point in her tenure.

Reflecting on the Financial and Ethical Implications

While Bush's voting decisions raise eyebrows, the ongoing criminal investigation by the Department of Justice significantly troubles her campaign. Stemming from the alleged misuse of campaign funds for private security, this investigation delves into a core aspect of political accountability.

Bush's recent filings submitted to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) disclose payments made to her now-husband, Cortney Merritts, for supposed security services. Remarkably, these payments commenced before their marriage in February 2023 and persisted, with the nature of these disbursements later categorized as "wage expenses."

After initiating these payments and altering their designation, Bush's decision to marry Merritts offers a perplexing twist. Critics argue this reclassification raises questions about the transparency and justification of campaign fund allocation.


Representative Cori Bush's re-election campaign is enmeshed in multifaceted challenges. From trailing behind Wesley Bell in recent polls to contending with allegations of financial irregularities and a divisive voting record, Bush’s path to securing her spot in the upcoming primaries is fraught with obstacles. The survey’s demographic insights, alongside the detailed scrutiny of her campaign's financial dealings and questionable legislative decisions, encapsulate the broader issues at hand. As the primary race heats up, the unfolding dynamics within Missouri's Democratic party spotlight the intricate interplay of politics, ethics, and public perception that defines the electoral process.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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