Last Written Words Of Mother Teresa Highlight Her Loyalty To Christ

 September 6, 2024

The spiritual legacy of Mother Teresa continues to speak volumes through her final correspondence.

Mother Teresa's last letter, penned on the day she died, provides a spiritual blueprint for the Missionaries of Charity, which is celebrated every September 5th, Fox News reported.

Mother Teresa, who passed away on September 5, 1997, was both the founder of the Missionaries of Charity and a figure of widespread admiration. Her final communication, a letter addressed to her religious community, is part of the liturgical observance every anniversary of her death.

Commemorative Practices Preserve Mother Teresa's Teachings

The Office of Readings includes the revered letter, ensuring her guidance is remembered. The letter not only captures the essence of her spiritual journey but also emphasizes her devotional pathway, using Mary, the mother of Jesus, as a focal point.

In her own words, Mother Teresa encouraged her followers to emulate Mary's dedication to service. This message has resonated deeply within the community she nurtured starting in 1950, striving to serve the "poorest of the poor."

Father Patrick Mary Briscoe remarked on the powerful synthesis of her life's work captured in the letter, particularly highlighting her identification with Mary.

In addition, the connection Mother Teresa fostered with Mary, seen as the epitome of loving service in Christianity, was profound. Her teachings continue to inspire not only her community but many around the world.

A Message of Love and Service Goes Beyond Her Lifetime

The enduring impact of Mother Teresa's instructions to her successors primes them to live out her ethos every day. Sister Nirmala Joshi, who succeeded Teresa, noted the poignant fact that the letter remained unsigned due to Teresa's unexpected passing.

Father Jeffrey Kirby reflected on Mother Teresa's life, pointing to it as a beacon of Mary's virtues of faith, service, love, and joy. He emphasized the saintly nun’s life as a direct emulation of Mary's relationship with Jesus, marking it as unparalleled in commitment and love.

Sister Nirmala Joshi communicated to her fellow nuns the weight of Teresa's final written words:

I am sending this to you with great love. This is our Mother's last message to us. Let us take it to our hearts with much love and prayer.

The Missionaries of Charity, the organization that Mother Teresa founded after leaving the Sisters of Loreto in 1928, has grown extensively. From its inception, the order has dedicated itself to alleviating the plight of the most destitute, and over 5,000 members actively continue her mission globally.

Mother Teresa's influence transcends the scope of charitable work; filmmakers are adapting her life story into a film, ensuring that her legacy reaches a wider audience. Her canonization in 2016 as St. Teresa of Calcutta cemented her status not just as a global icon of charity but as an enduring spiritual figure.

In conclusion, Mother Teresa immortalized her unwavering faith and commitment to service in her last message to the Missionaries of Charity. Her profound respect for Mary as a model of service underlines her lifelong mission, a legacy that continues to inspire and guide her followers.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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