Kyle Rittenhouse Verbally Assaulted And Escorted Away By Security

 March 21, 2024

A contentious gathering at the University of Memphis turned heads nationwide.

According to Daily Mail, Kyle Rittenhouse's speech for Turning Point USA was cut short by vocal Black Lives Matter protesters, highlighting the nation's deep divisions on gun rights and racial issues.

At 21, Rittenhouse found himself at the center of another heated confrontation, not in the streets but on a university stage. His planned talk, centered around Second Amendment rights and critical views on the Black Lives Matter movement, was part of a tour with the conservative group Turning Point USA. However, the event quickly escalated beyond mere discourse.

The Moment Rittenhouse's Speech Was Interrupted

As Rittenhouse took the stage, protesters made their presence felt. Not just content to stay outside, they voiced their opposition loudly, forcing Rittenhouse to leave the stage prematurely, escorted by security personnel and his service dog.

Outside, the tensions mounted further with protesters attempting to block vehicles in the parking garage, their chants of "Black Lives Matter!" reverberating off the concrete walls.

Inside, the atmosphere was no less charged. Hundreds of students had gathered, some branding Rittenhouse a murderer, complete with signs bearing the faces of Anthony Huber and Joseph Rosenbaum, the men Rittenhouse shot in Kenosha, Wisconsin, during a 2020 protest. Rittenhouse has consistently claimed he acted in self-defense during that fatal night, a stance that was legally validated when he was acquitted of murder charges in 2021.

A Clash of Perspectives and Protests

The protesters didn't limit their disruption to vocal opposition; some utilized musical instruments to drown out Rittenhouse's words. Amidst boos, Rittenhouse attempted to pivot to a Q&A session, only to find the disruption following him there as well.

A particular point of contention arose over TPUSA founder Charlie Kirk's alleged racial comments, which Rittenhouse awkwardly deflected, leading to further uproar.

Eventually, state troopers and campus police were called to escort Rittenhouse, his dog, and TPUSA staff away from the increasingly hostile crowd. Despite the chaotic exit, Rittenhouse later insisted he was not "booed off the stage" but left due to a previously established "hard cutoff time."

Following this incident, Rittenhouse is scheduled to continue his speaking engagements, with Western Kentucky University next on his list. His participation in the events that night in Kenosha, coupled with his subsequent acquittal, has catapulted him to prominence within certain conservative circles. He has made appearances on right-wing talk shows, met with former President Donald Trump, and leveraged his controversial standing in discussions around gun rights and law enforcement.

The Ongoing Debate Surrounding Rittenhouse

Reflecting on the event’s tumultuous nature, a lengthy quote from Rittenhouse highlighted his perspective:

I was violently attacked by a mob of rioters and... Thank you very much, wonderful crowd you guys have here, very professional, very respectful... Ain't none of that walkouts, children.

This incident at the University of Memphis underscores the deep divide in the U.S. over issues of gun rights, racial justice, and the limits of self-defense. It echoes a broader national conversation that's far from resolved.


What started as a speech on Second Amendment rights and a critique of Black Lives Matter at the University of Memphis swiftly transformed into a confrontation illustrating the stark divisions in American society. Protesters, harnessing chants, music, and direct action, steered the event into chaos, highlighting the impassioned debates surrounding Kyle Rittenhouse and the broader issues of gun rights and racial justice. Despite Rittenhouse's assertions, the incident’s dramatic course raises questions about dialogue and dissent in a divided country.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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