Kamala Harris Avoids Clarifying Death Penalty Stance In Presidential Campaign

 September 26, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris's campaign has remained silent on her current position regarding the death penalty, marking the third policy dodge in as many days.

According to a report by Breitbart News, the Harris campaign refused to disclose whether the Vice President still opposes capital punishment when questioned by Axios reporter Alex Thompson.

This reluctance to clarify her stance comes on the heels of similar evasions on issues such as amnesty and the decriminalization of prostitution.

The campaign's refusal to provide clear answers on these policy matters has raised questions about Harris's attempt to balance appealing to her progressive base while also attracting independent voters. Critics argue that this approach suggests a willingness to adjust her positions for political gain.

Harris's Historical Stance On Capital Punishment

Throughout her political career, Harris has consistently opposed the death penalty. In 2019, she supported California Governor Gavin Newsom's moratorium on capital punishment, describing it as "an important day for justice."

During her tenure as San Francisco's district attorney, Harris pledged never to seek the death penalty, a promise she maintained throughout her time in office. Her opposition to capital punishment has been a longstanding position, spanning two decades.

However, the campaign's current silence on the issue has led to speculation about potential shifts in her stance, particularly as she positions herself for a potential presidential run.

Evolving Positions And Policy Uncertainties

The death penalty is not the only issue on which Harris's current position remains unclear. Since joining the presidential race in July, her campaign has either refused to clarify or allegedly changed her stance on several key policy areas.

These include issues such as amnesty for "Dreamers," decriminalizing prostitution, banning plastic straws, and implementing a mandate for electric and hydrogen vehicles by 2035. The campaign has also been vague about her current views on gun buyback programs, border wall construction, and reparations.

Implications For Harris's Presidential Aspirations

The repeated policy dodges raise questions about Harris's strategy as she eyes the presidency. Political observers note that this approach could be an attempt to appeal to a broader range of voters while not alienating her base.

However, this strategy also risks creating an image of a candidate willing to shift positions for political expediency. The campaign's reluctance to provide clear answers on key policy issues may become a focal point for critics and opponents.

As the election cycle progresses, pressure is likely to mount on Harris to clarify her positions on these contentious issues. The ability to navigate these policy questions while maintaining voter trust could prove crucial to her presidential ambitions.


Vice President Kamala Harris's campaign has dodged questions about her stance on the death penalty, marking the third policy evasion in three days. This reluctance to clarify positions extends to other key issues such as amnesty and decriminalizing prostitution. The campaign's approach raises questions about Harris's strategy to balance appealing to both progressive and moderate voters as she positions herself for a potential presidential run.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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