Justice Department Agrees To $2 Million Settlement With Former FBI Officials Over Text Release

 July 27, 2024

Two former FBI officials have settled their lawsuits with the Justice Department, which will compensate them with a total of $2 million.

According to CNN, Ex-FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page reached an agreement with the Justice Department, resulting in a combined settlement of $2 million for the unauthorized disclosure of their private communications.

Peter Strzok received $1.2 million, while Lisa Page was awarded $800,000. This resolution follows their claims that their rights under the Privacy Act were violated.

Text Messages Critical Of Trump Led To Career Fallout

The lawsuits stemmed from the release of text messages exchanged between Strzok and Page during the 2016 election. These texts were critical of then-presidential candidate Donald Trump.

The controversy over these texts had a significant impact on their careers. Peter Strzok was removed from Robert Mueller’s investigation team and later fired, while Lisa Page resigned from the FBI.

Their messages were made public in 2018, causing them to become focal points in Donald Trump's critique of the Russia investigation. Trump used their texts to argue that the investigation was biased against him.

Legal Settlements Conclude Years Of Controversy

The settlements were approved in court filings disclosed on Friday. The culmination of this legal process marks the end of a contentious period for both the Justice Department and the former officials involved.

The Justice Department has opted not to comment on the settlements. This decision aligns with their typically reserved stance on pending litigation and internal controversies.

Lisa Page expressed her feelings about the settlement, stating, "While I have been vindicated by this result, my fervent hope remains that our institutions of justice will never again play politics with the lives of their employees."

Aitan Goelman, the attorney representing Peter Strzok, emphasized the broader implications of the case, "This outcome is a critical step forward in addressing the government’s unfair and highly politicized treatment of Pete. As important as it is for him, it also vindicates the privacy interests of all government employees. We will continue to litigate Pete’s constitutional claims to ensure that, in the future, public servants are protected from adverse employment actions motivated by partisan politics."


The sequence of events leading to the settlements highlights concerns regarding privacy violations and the political manipulation of government officials. It underscores the complexities involved in maintaining nonpartisanship within federal agencies.

This settlement may prompt federal agencies to reconsider how they handle the personal communications of their employees, reflecting on the profound personal and professional ramifications that such exposures can induce.

The Justice Department's compensation to former agents Peter Strzok and Lisa Page concludes a significant chapter in a saga that underscored the thin lines between privacy, politics, and public service. Their cases have brought forward discussions on the rights of government employees and the implications of political bias, setting precedents that might influence future policies and protections within government entities.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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