Judge Threatens to Dismiss Trump Over ‘Nonresponsive’ Answers

 November 7, 2023

In a recent civil fraud trial, the judicial patience with former President Donald Trump was tested.

In a $250 million fraud case, former President Donald Trump's testimony was marked by numerous reprimands from the judge for his evasion of straightforward questions.

Presided over by Justice Arthur Engoron in the Manhattan Supreme Court, the case scrutinizes Trump's business practices over a decade. The lawsuit accuses Trump of exaggerating the worth of his assets to secure favorable loans and insurance premiums from 2011 to 2021. When asked about its veracity, Trump's reply was noncommittal: "I hope so."

A Tense Atmosphere in Court

As the hearing began on November 7, 2023, Trump's demeanor quickly became a focal point. His extensive responses to simple inquiries resulted in repeated warnings from Justice Engoron, who sought direct answers. This tug-of-war played out for the initial hour of Trump's testimony, showcasing a tension-filled courtroom.

The judge's dissatisfaction was clear as he addressed Trump's manner of answering, pointing out that the courtroom is not a venue for political posturing. Justice Engoron remarked, "This is not a political rally," emphasizing his expectation of succinct answers during the proceedings.

Trump's claims that the judge was perpetually biased against him added another layer to the strained proceedings. Such accusations do little to alleviate the escalating courtroom drama.

Engoron's Firm Stance on Courtroom Conduct

Trump's valuation of his 40 Wall Street property came under particular scrutiny. He argued that the $550 million appraisal in 2014 was far less than its true worth, stating, "That building, you just look at it, and you say it’s worth a lot more than $550 million." His belief in the property's greater value, however, was not substantiated with direct evidence during his testimony.

In response to Trump's persistent digressions, Justice Engoron's warnings escalated to a threat of contempt. The judge expressed his duty to keep the trial on track, reminding Trump to limit his answers without the elaboration that had characterized his earlier responses.

Justice Engoron's warning was stark: give direct answers or face the consequences of a contempt charge. The exchange exemplified the day's contentious atmosphere, underscoring the gravity with which the court viewed the need for succinct testimony.

Contentious Testimony Raises Tensions

Quoting Justice Engoron, "I’m elected to move things along faster. Please answer your questions, no speeches," this statement reflected the court's exasperation with the prolonged answers. Such exchanges indicate the delicate balance the judiciary must maintain between patience and assertiveness in high-profile cases.

The judge's insistence on straightforward responses resonated throughout the courtroom. This emphasis on judicial efficiency reflects an effort to cut through the theatrics that can often accompany high-profile testimony.

Justice Engoron, in his remarks, encapsulated the day's challenges, as he had to interject to steer the testimony back to relevance repeatedly. "We got another speech," he commented, illustrating the frequent divergence from direct questioning.

Trump Faces a Stern Judiciary

Former President Trump's courtroom behavior has certainly placed him at odds with Justice Engoron. With the judge's patience waning, the day's proceedings were far from smooth. Here is what Justice Engoron stated, reflecting his resolve to avoid political grandstanding in his courtroom:

"You can attack me or do whatever you want, but just answer the questions. I’m elected to move things along faster. Please answer your questions, no speeches.”

Throughout the hearing, Trump’s responses prompted the judge to remind him repeatedly that the court required straightforward answers and not lengthy explanations or speeches.

Conclusion: A High-Profile Case with National Attention

  • Former President Donald Trump testified in a civil fraud case against his real estate company on November 7, 2023.
  • The $250 million case alleges that Trump inflated his assets from 2011-2021 to secure better loan and insurance terms.
  • Justice Arthur Engoron presides over the case and has warned Trump multiple times to control his responses and give direct answers.
  • Trump's 2014 financial statement and the valuation of his 40 Wall Street property have been points of contention in the trial.
  • Engoron threatened to hold Trump in contempt of court if he continued to provide non-responsive answers.
  • The trial continues, and its outcome will depend on whether the court believes Trump intentionally inflated his assets or if the discrepancies resulted from honest mistakes or differing opinions on value.

About Aileen Barro

With years of experience at the forefront of political commentary, Robert Cunningham brings a blend of sharp wit and deep insight to his analysis of American principles at the Capitalism Institute.

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