Judge Intervenes And Allows Gaetz And Greene To Sue California Cities

 March 24, 2024

Representatives Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene have taken a stand against what they perceive as an infringement on their constitutionally guaranteed right to free speech. A federal judge found grounds for their lawsuit against two California cities but dismissed their accusations against nine civil rights groups due to a lack of evidence and a misunderstanding of First Amendment protections.

According to Fox News, the legal dispute stems from incidents in 2021 when planned rallies featuring Reps. Gaetz and Greene in Anaheim and Riverside were abruptly canceled. Behind these cancellations, the lawmakers allege, were coercive actions by the city governments, which they claim went as far as to threaten private venues with permit revocations to prevent the rallies from proceeding. This, according to the plaintiffs, constitutes a direct violation of their free speech rights.

Federal Judge Points Out Legal Misunderstandings

In his 22-page opinion, U.S. District Judge Hernan Vera provided a meticulous critique of the lawsuit's assertions against nine civil rights organizations. Judge Vera emphasized the constitutional safeguard that allows these groups to advocate for or against public events, an activity that lies at the heart of American political discourse.

Judge Vera’s analysis revealed that the lawsuit rested on shaky grounds with its accusations against these civil rights groups. He argued that the plaintiffs failed to demonstrate a coherent conspiracy aimed at undermining their First Amendment rights. Instead, what the lawsuit categorized as a conspiratorial effort was, in the eyes of the court, nothing more than the legitimate exercise of free speech by those opposed to the rallies.

Chief among them is the complete lack of any alleged facts to support a ‘meeting of the minds’ as required for a conspiracy claim.

Emotional Distress and Claims for Damages

Not only are Reps. Gaetz and Greene seeking a legal injunction to prevent similar incidents in the future, but they are also pursuing compensation for what they describe as significant emotional distress caused by these cancellations. Their legal action underscores the increasingly contentious atmosphere surrounding political events in the U.S., where the line between advocacy and suppression can sometimes appear blurred.

The lawmakers' legal challenge also throws into relief the broader national debate over the limits of free speech and the responsibilities of those in positions of authority, whether in government or private enterprise, to uphold these constitutional rights.

Judge Vera's decision, while allowing the lawsuit to proceed against the cities of Anaheim and Riverside, stands as a reminder of the complex interplay between individual rights and collective interests. It highlights the need for a careful balance in preserving the freedom of expression while ensuring that civic discourse remains healthy and productive.

Ensuring the Protection of Free Speech Rights

As the lawsuit moves forward, it promises to add another chapter to the ongoing dialogue about the scope and limits of free speech in America. Reps. Gaetz and Greene, both ardent supporters of former President Trump, have cast this legal battle in terms of a broader struggle against political censorship.

The eventual outcome of this lawsuit may have far-reaching implications for how free speech rights are interpreted and protected in the United States.

It serves as a crucial test case for the balance between individual liberties and the actions that government entities and civil society can take in response to controversial speech.


Representatives Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene have embarked on a legal journey that challenges the actions of two California cities, alleging violations of their right to free speech.

While the court dismissed their claims against nine civil rights groups, the essence of the lawsuit—a plea for the protection of free speech and redress for alleged wrongs—continues to resonate amidst the broader American conversation about freedom, responsibility, and the health of its democracy.

About Victor Winston

Victor is a freelance writer and researcher who focuses on national politics, geopolitics, and economics.

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